During my secondary school time,I met alot of people,like influencer's of destiny.there are people in life that are available to influence someone's destiny negative while some are their to influence positively.
There is this girl in my class,she is tall, pretty and intelligent.She was among the best in the class,and alot of people admired her in the class because she was outstanding child.when she stand to talk, alot of people want to listen to her because she have some thing upstairs.some people advice her to study law as a course because she speaks and write like lawyers.there is one peom we were asked to write about, everyone wrote and our literature teacher went through it.When our literature teacher look into her book he was happy to see someone that will be great in life.He has to call her to give her advice and asked her to keep it up. thank
The young girl met someone that influenced her negatively, to the extent that the young girl likes party instead of her books,she insult her parents and she even operate telephone in classroom.It was obvious that when someone do not study the person must fail,she became last in class. Someone that do talk about her education before is now talking about boys and party.instead of being the best she is now the last in the class.
This shows that evil communication corrupt good manners ,the friends we keep determines our lifestyles.Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.