in Hive Learners2 months ago

There was a time in my life, when a friend of mine asked me if the end should justify the means. It was a very long time ago, and I had no answer to that question. Personally I grew up taught to not accept that the end justifies the means, but in my adult years, I think I can make an exception to some cases having been in such a position myself. There are times when the opportunity presents itself, and when you look at it, it's not as though you're hurting anyone so why not take the opportunity. Note that the opportunity wasn't taken because you are a bad person, but because it either looked like the only way, or would save you a lot of things while not affecting others. This knowledge has taught me not to judge people's actions without knowing their intentions as I have seen bad people do good things with evil intentions.

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Right from when I was a teenager, it hasn't been easy to annoy me. When I talk about annoyance, I mean getting to the point where I am truly angry. Certain times I might act angry just to look serious with the intention of sending the right message of correction. But other than that, I rarely get angry and that is because when someone does something that should get me angry, I try to understand their intentions which often affects my reaction. This action has helped me think more rationally in a lot of situations, and I'm happy it's now a habit , otherwise I would have been what I was trained to be when it comes to relating with people's mistakes. I would have been one to judge just the actions without trying to understand the intention.

I recently shared a post of a mistake I made last year when it looked like I duped my company. The truth is if my company had found out, chances are that I would be arrested before anyone hears my side of the story which might result in a court case if I want to stand a chance. My company paid for some softwares which I didn't buy, and I over charged them for the migration I handled. Now listening to the whole scenario, one would easily call me a thief, but when I break down the events that occurred, you would realize that I was only protecting myself. At a point in my early working days, one of the managers called me to give me some friendly advice. He said I should ensure that I protect myself and not let the company use me. The major reason the last two people in my position resigned was because they felt used and duped.

Image by DC Studio on Freepik

At the end of last year my company made a decision that made me not regret my actions after rendering a year of my work useless and not paying for it. This is not me trying to be defensive, but saying it as it is. It started when my boss asked me to build a website from scratch, and told me the company would be paying me for it. I asked the HR for a written agreement on that matter, but somehow it was dismissed. But I built the Website anyway and in the process of that the company started having several hacking threats. It was so serious that the company lost a lot of our database as a result. And the funny thing was that all these attacks would have been prevented if the company had taken my advice and migrated the time I told them to. They refused to migrate and only did when our database and online presence was at stake.

At this point rectifying the whole issue with hackers and migrating would be a lot of work, and the fun fact was that it was never in my job description as they had a cybersecurity company who was supposed to be handling it but turned out they were not able to do their job. I charged them for some softwares in order to do the job and charged them for the migration including my website fee. After everything I felt like I cheated them for not coming out clean and made it look like I got softwares (which I did, but was for free). But then at the end of the year, my boss suddenly started discrediting my work and went back to the very cybersecurity company that was incapable of securing our server and that was when I realized they were never going to pay. So with this would you call me a thief, or pardon me for compensating myself when I had the chance.


Posted Using INLEO

 2 months ago  

There are two sides to this story, and whichever one that I, or any other person, agrees to would be right and yet wrong.

The word 'crime' tells us everything that we need to know about the act. Therefore, if it is justifiable, then it shouldn't be exactly be placed in that bracket.