The entitlement mentality is what I have noticed to be seen in a lot of children of this coming generation. And the truth is I wouldn't blame them at all. The blame goes to my generation of parents who want their kids to enjoy things they never enjoyed as children. It just shows how immature a lot of sole called adults are giving their kids too much leverage in the name of making them enjoy the good things of life as they can afford it. With a lot of things happening in this century we are in, I can see a big financial storm coming that would cripple a lot of people and I'm sad that instead of learning to build wealth security and teach kids how to be responsible irresponsible parents and busy spending lavishly on things both they and their kids don't need. If you know my story you would know that I came from a family that was once well to do, so you can say I know what it means to be wealthy.
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I and two of my younger siblings experienced luxury, but looking at our lives now that this luxury is gone, I can say we have become better individuals than we were when we had all the luxury money could buy. I had always been intelligent, but money and the luxury I was exposed to made me proud and cunning. But I am not here to talk about myself. My kid brother who was born into that life was literally a spoiled brat, and when we lost everything, it affected him the most. This was because he was used to having everything he wanted, born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his excesses were often overlooked because there was money to overlook it. When things went south my brother found it very difficult to cope in the beginning but then it exposed parts of him no one could ever imagine existed. He was always known to be that curious and mischievous child who would scatter and dismantle things just out of curiosity and ends up spoiling them. But he was never good at academics and despite the number of home tutors he had, there were no signs of him improving and we all thought he was probably good in order things so no one really put pressure on him.
When my family lost everything and he had to change school plus we also moved from our duplex to a place where there was hardly any light , we started discovering that my brother started picking interest in a lot of other things of which music became a big part of. He would have still become very good at it if we were still rich, but then immediately he found his footing in music, he became academically brilliant. This was simply because his routines had changed. He no longer comes home from school to sit and watch cartoons or play video games because we no longer had televisions or phones for such. This made his curiosity get the better of him and made him discover parts of himself he never knew existed because all the distractions had been taken away. He became so brilliant that he's been winning quite a number of scholarships making it easier for my parents to cover the education of my other siblings.
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I believe that we need to go back to the drawing board and define the use and importance of these gadgets we have so the upcoming generation do not think there is nothing to life than what they see on screen. I believe it is healthy living for kids to have less screen time and even though our devices had a lot to offer it should only be as a support so these kids can learn about life naturally as we did and decide for themselves if they want to only use the gadgets as a support system or as a major part of their lives. I don't see why the life of a 15 year old should revolve around their devices when there is a whole world to explore. Because truth be told we are mature today from the life experiences we had and the mistakes that we made. Bringing mobile devices into the lives of these young ones would do damage to their health and mentality at the end of the day.
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Kids can spoil their life by using mobile. We need to reduce their screening time, and for this, we need to revise our education system.
Yes you're right. Thanks for stopping by
Hmm you reasoning rom that aspect in this generation now gadget is everything nothijg suprised me more when seeing a 2 year ood pressing phone i mean starting tolearn how to operates ohone and now u cant even collect it from the child anymore
It's just the parents that are to blame for all these