All about cars

in Hive Learners2 days ago (edited)

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To be honest, I’ve never been much of a car person, and I don’t know a whole lot about them. In fact, if we hadn’t been asked to write about self-driving cars, I probably wouldn’t have known much about them.

Cars just don’t grab my attention the way they do for other people. I think it’s mostly because I’ve always had this fear of accidents, that has kept me from even trying to learn how to drive.

Every time I see a car speeding by, I can’t help but think about how easily things can go wrong. The idea of even being behind the wheel just always feels overwhelming.

Most times when I watch my friends drive, I wonder how they manage to stay so calm and confident. Some of them tell me they love driving because it’s fun and gives them this sense of freedom. I guess I get it, but it’s never really appealed to me. At least, not until recently.

There’s this thing that happens when I’m in the car with in them. Sometimes, they’ll be driving fast with the windows down and the music at high volume, and it’s hard not to get swept up in the moment.

The energy of it all, the wind in your face, and the beat of the music—there is just always something about that moment that I actually enjoy. In those moments, I start to see why they love it so much. But even though I’ve come to appreciate the experience as a passenger, I still haven’t learned to drive.

It’s not that I don’t want to. I’ve actually thought about it. My mom has a RAV4, and I’ve asked her if I could practice driving with it, but she just doesn't agree to that.

She’s worried I’ll crash it, and honestly, I get where she’s coming from. I’ve never driven a car in my life, and she’s protective of her things. You know how moms are.

I’ve also thought about going to a driving school to learn properly, but right now, I’m in the university, and it feels like there’s no time to balance both school and driving lessons. So, I’ve kind of put it on hold until I finish school. Once I’m done, learning to drive is definitely on my bucket list.

Even though I’m not a car fanatic, there are some cars that have caught my eye. I was watching the latest season of Bel-Air, and there’s this character, Amira, that drove this beautiful car. The moment I saw it, I was hooked. It was a black car and it had this sleek, powerful look,and the sound of the engine was just awesome.

Later on, they used the car in a street racing scene, and that sealed the deal for me. The name of the car was "Hellcat" and since then it has been my dream car.

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With that being said, If I had the opportunity to buy a self-driving car, I don’t think I would. Even though the idea of driving autonomous car sounds futuristic and convenient, my main concern is safety.

The roads in my area aren’t exactly the best—there are a lot of potholes, and the way people drive here can be quite reckless and unsafe.

Asides that, i don’t believe the technology in self-driving cars is yet advanced enough to navigate these conditions reliably, especially in a place where unpredictable behavior from other drivers is common.

So, for me, it’s a matter of not trusting the technology fully, especially in an environment like mine.

Now, in the event that an accident does happen, the question of who to blame gets tricky.

If a self-driving car is promoted as being "smart" and capable of handling all driving tasks, then the company behind the car would have to take responsibility if something goes wrong. After all, they’re the ones making the claim that the vehicle can drive itself safely.

However, the owner of the vehicle might still share some responsibility, especially if they didn’t use the car properly or failed to maintain it as required or instructed. But then, if the technology fails—let's say, a sensor misreads something or the car doesn't respond in time—it would be on the company for over promising what the car could do.

In the end, I don’t think my area is conducive enough for a self-driving car. To avoid any accidents and for my own peace of mind, I’d rather stick to regular cars—preferably one like the Hellcat, where I can feel the power and excitement behind the wheel.

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