Skin and health

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)
Hello hive friends

Friends skin have a lot of importance and a lot of link with our health but it is very unfortunate that many of the people I have seen in my life who take care of their self and also take care of their skin but not in away as they should and not in a sense as they should and let me elaborate this confusing statement to you.

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A girl loving her skin

People think that they should take care of their skin just for their beauty but they don't know that skin is the largest and major organ of our body that is protecting us and if I give an example of it then it is important to understand that if you have any scratch let's suppose at any part of your body then first of all your skin will affect of this.

As an example if you slip on a road and your skin care out then you maybe at a risk of tetanus which is caused by a bacterium that may be present in road as a germ. Your skin would be the major pathway of entering of that bacteria into body because if skin will clear then through blood bacteria will enter into body and if there would be no scratch on skin or a minor scratch on skin than bacteria can not harm you and cannot cause you tetanus which is very fatal.

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Closest view of girl face who is checking her health from skin

How skin can tells you about your health?

Everyone knows that to check a disease there are different diagnostic procedures but it is also important to not and its cannot be ignored that your physical appearance can tell many things about your general health if I give an example then we all know that collagen is present in every part of body if we talk about muscles then it is present in them and if we talk about ligaments and tendons then collagen makes major part of them and also collagen is present in our bones so if there will be lack in collagen then our skin would appear like wrinkles and skin would be very loose.

If I give a second example then we all know that there is a condition which is called jaundice which is a form of hepatitis so in jaundice we can check a patient through his or her physical appearance by checking eyes off that patient and they would appear with yellow to red eyes and skin also becomes pale and we can also check another condition which is scleroderma are connective tissue disorder by checking the losing or tightening of skin of a person so if you are dehydrated then your skin appearance would be dry so take care of your health by having a overall look and a focus on your skin and consult with your doctor or dermatologist.

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A skin conscious girl

Can you make your skin better by applying different serums or creams on it?

Answer is simply no!
If you don't have a good skin then definitely it is a sign or a symptom of your internal disturbance and if you are thinking that when you will apply some serums or creams on your skin then it would be a permanent treatment of your skin then it's totally wrong because when there is internal disturbance then external stimulation cannot be much beneficial so first of all you have to deal with your internal disturbance and make a decision with the consultation of your doctor that what you should do and then with treating your internal overall health you should apply external treatment for feeling your skin better and when both approaches you would try then definitely it would give the maximum and the good results to you.

If I talk about generally then you should take care of your diet and should take essential vitamins and minerals in your diet in which you are deficient and definitely a person who is blank cannot tell you that in which mineral aur in which vitamin you are deficient so for this there is a need for the consultation of your nutritionist or your doctor and with the improvement in your diet you should use initially applying Vitamin E and hyaluronic acid for making your skin better and glowing.

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A girl applying serum

These things are not recommended for all and it was just a little bit about some of the things that are good for your skin and can help out you to feel you better.
Goodbye 🤩

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