Let's discuss about heart ❤️

in Hive Learners2 years ago
Hi hive friends

There are different organs present in human body and every organ have its own importance and have its own function so we cannot deny about importance of any organ in body because all organs are important and if there would be disturbance in any of the organ of body then it will disturb overall body functioning.

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Organ that I am discussing today is heart which is considered most important organ of body due to most important functions that this organ performs in a human body. If we think for a minute that we don't have heart in our body then it means that we don't have life so heart is another meaning of life.

Heart common structure and function

Heart consists of four Chambers and heart is basically composed of two ventricles and two atriums. heart carry deoxygenated blood and then transfer that blood to lungs so that blood may get oxygenated so after giving oxygen to blood lungs again transfer oxygenated blood to heart and in returns heart pump blood in whole body by making it oxygenated.

If we talk about main function of heart then it is responsible for pumping of blood in all parts of body as well as heart muscles contract when heart is pumping blood in whole body.


What can be some of the most common diseases related to heart?

Some of the most common diseases related to heart are myocardial infarction as well as ischemic heart disease as well as coronary artery disease as well as hypertensive heart disease. If we talk about myocardial infarction then second name for this is Heart attack and basically it can damage muscles of heart as name is indicating.

If I talk about ischemic heart disease then ischemia is basically compromising in blood supply so it may be a clot give to which ischemic heart disease could be present. After that if we talk about coronary artery disease than this is the most major artery present in heart so this is related to coronary artery. After that hypertensive heart disease could be due to increase in blood pressure or hypertension continuously.

Generalized treatment plan

To prevent from all these conditions and all these diseases there is a need to know that which things are healthy for heart health so first of all I want to clear that all aerobic exercises including walking and many more are important for heart health. After that there is a need to make dietary changes in life to stay away from heart diseases.


If we talk about meditations if someone have heart disease than it depends upon swell key of disease and recommendation or opinion of doctor if someone is going to take any medicine for heart because in depends upon condition of patient and we cannot give a generalized opinion on it.

Goodbye ❤️