Kids Need Challenges: Here's why.

in Hive Learners6 months ago (edited)

How And Why Our Kids Should Embrace Challenges & Say Yes To Them.

In fact, being a parent has been the most natural and inherent quality of humankind where your sole aim becomes to safeguard and guard your children always against all odds of suffering, or failing. We would like to make everything smooth so that they can glide through childhood without any hitches. It is important to recognize that, while the protective instinct may be well-meaning, it would be detrimental to children if they were denied any adversity as they grow older.


It is concerning to note that challenges are important in moulding our kids into responsible and strong individuals. By never being challenged, the kids do not develop the strengths needed to fend for themselves and as such are immune to adversity. And with direction, challenges turn into learning experiences that bring about toughness or determination that builds confidence. Natural development – age-appropriate struggles – improves problem-solving skills. It gives kids the power to overcome subsequent adversities that they meet throughout their lives. Essentially, if children are protected from all adversity, their emotional development remains arrested.

Also, with every challenge comes opportunity. Challenges overcome are victories won. Victories also enhance strength and capability on the battlefield. Every child needs some challenging tasks and works on such tasks to develop their capabilities and discover potential. In sports, rivals have to show their fitness. Achievement tests assess the level of academic achievement. Intelligence tests evaluate intelligence. There is an old adage that states that art should be turned to in the hope of finding an audience. Denying children opportunities puts an end to their development and robs them of their potential.


Moreover, adversity is unifying. Real-life predicaments create a sense of universality in terms of both sympathy and comprehension. It means that shared difficulties can help children cope with difficulties with the help of their mates. Cooperation in groups is extremely useful as it helps develop essential interpersonal skills. And that is where I found out that overcoming troubles together creates deep connections. Taking away all challenges deprives children of their developmental opportunities and stifles their emotional and social development.

Difficult circumstances also help develop character. Integrity, kindness, justice – these virtues are sculpted by distortion. These noble qualities cannot be built on smooth sailing. The muscles of morality must be forced into action by weighty decisions during tough moments. When we block some of those formative trials, we deprive children of the ability to be strong and stand up for their beliefs.

As parents, there is nothing much we would love more than to eliminate all the rough edges of life and provide our children with a smooth ride. Of course, not a day is without challenges, but in the right amount, they are essential for development. Challenges evaluate and reveal potential. Disasters build character. While we can provide support during such ordeals, eradicating challenges leaves them without weapons.

We must ensure that such forces cannot defeat children because our role is not to absolve children of adversity but to equip them to deal with it. We trust the tools and strength we have imparted to them when battle lines are drawn and fighting begins. Guidance can enshrine their worldview – teaching them how adversities turn into achievements. With this outlook, they will be instilled with the right attitude that turns challenges into opportunities.

Thus while the protective side of the parent in us may want to eliminate all the obstacles from their path, the smart and wise parent knows that difficulties help to pave the way to successful adulthood. Challenges are life-learning lessons that come irrespective of age or development stages. Instead of avoiding these growth milestones, parents ought to equip their children to get the developmental rewards that come with trials.

Yes to challenges – and no to eradicating the conflict and struggle that creates capable, compassionate, and resilient youth. By carefully introducing challenges and our help when they fall, our children will develop perseverance to achieve, compassion to comprehend and boldness to set the course. Their lives are not going to be easy, but, by going through higher levels of attainable milestones with the support from peers and teachers, they shall be prepared for the worse.

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Nice pic!! !wine

 6 months ago  

Every parent must teach their kids the importance of facing challenges and coming out victorious after every challenge.

 6 months ago  

Very well said, every child needs to learn how to face challenges on their own. Life is not always rosy