Good morning from Bangladesh.
I think morning is a good time to write in a clean environment.
Friends, we are all human. The best creatures of creation. And we should have personality and success as the best creatures created by the Creator. Because success cannot be expected without personality. Personality and success are inextricably linked. Human personality enhances its dignity. People without personality have no value in our society. There should be no more. Only personality makes people great.
We all know that there is no such thing as artificial death. In the same way, if you are born as a human being, you have to achieve personality and success in life. Since everyone wants
To achieve success in his life. And to achieve this success, he must be hardworking, honest and courageous.
Again, it must be remembered that success is not possible just by getting an education. He must have personality. Many highly educated people do not have personality. In fact personality is a completely different matter. It cannot be taught to anyone. It depends on people's own lives. We often see that people respect the lower castes of the society just because they have personality. They lead the society, be respected as village matabbars. All this is possible only because of personality.
Basically, personality takes people to a higher level. There is no similarity between education and this. A person must not only have a high degree, but also his personality. However, there is a need for success in life as well as personality. Some people just can't take advantage of the lack of knowledge and intelligence.
On the other hand, a person has easily achieved success with the help of his intellect. You don't just have to chase after success - you have to have perseverance, effort, pursuit and dream. Only then is it possible to achieve success in life.
After all, don't run after success, be hardworking, personable and tactful. And set a record for world humanity by achieving success as an individual.
You have written many beautiful and valuable words.
Thanks a lot ♥️