Technology does have it good and bad side. I am particularly pleased with the fact that you do not have to ask your relatives for food recipes that they would be reluctant to share anymore. All thanks to technology.
And yes, I hate the part that technology has created a bit of distance amongst us. We no longer listen to the people around us because our heads are buried in our phones.
Well done with this Amber, how is your fasting going? I hope you'll have time to do the dreemport tasks(the ones you have set for yourself, of course) and earn that gold star today.
I am also very happy for being free of asking. I don't know why people were so reluctant to share the beneficial things. Perhaps they want to live with an idea that they are superior because they have the knowledge of thing that others around them lack.
Anyways, I am trying to work at the optimum for the Dreemport tasks. Let see, how many stars come out of my pocket.
I can see you rocking already, Iska. Let's touch the finish line soon.