in Hive Learners11 months ago

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The world is evolving every time and every day there's innovation, innovation in all areas of life

These innovations bring much joy to us humans because we all benefit from them in one way or another, talking about the introduction of AI(artificial intelligence) to make a lot of things easy or talk about having easy access to transportation and all

They are of good benefits, likewise they make us more lazy and less active

One of these innovations has cut deep into our everyday life, it stood as a friend, companion, helper, and lots more, some of us can't even do without it

That's how deep we are glued to it.
it's the innovation of the phone, I guess you can say that with every innovation comes little or bigger damage to the society

Phones have become an addiction to us that we literally can't do without

Yes it improves communication and helps with easy access to a lot of meaningful information but likewise, does it damage the society

Makes us addicted, prevents social interaction, giving limits to interactions which affects how we mingle with people outside our comfort zone

As useful as the phone is, sometimes we need to do away with it, just to have a life outside it and build bonds outside phone

I remember visiting a newly wedded couple, it was not the kind of visit I wanted because they were both on their respective phones and the only time we all got to talk was maybe when there was breakfast or a TV show to bond us

Sometimes we do not even bond while watching TV because there's always a movie to see on the phone.
For me, there was not much interaction but more personal bonding with the phone

The phone became their best friend and neither of them saw anything wrong in that, of course, I don't want a life like that neither do I want a life around the phone

So if you ask me, should the use of phones be banned during family time, my response would be a resounding YES

Yes, we can always ban just to have time with the family, to bond more with the family, and most importantly create memories beyond having phones around

There's life outside the phone, there's a connection outside the phone and there's an interaction outside the phone we just need to find it

A ban on the phone just for family time would not cut our happiness short, neither would it cost us our lives

Banning phones would create more bonds and memories

We can always bond well outside the phone

The use of phones limits face-to-face interaction

A life without a phone wouldn't be the end of the world rather gives room for better interaction and social bonding

The beautiful thing about this is we never know how helpful and wonderful this would be only when we try it

As humans we need people to make life habitable and most times phone fills the void

A ban on phones would make us see the need to interact and create a more habitable life with fellow human

The world does not revolve around phones alone, there's more to life beyond the phones we just need to see beyond