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RE: Good Writing Is 90% Editing

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Tbh you said it very well, can't disagree with the editing part. Even I do edits ten times and it becomes like an habit of mine where I'm still improving.

As always Awesome piece of advices by you!!!!
Wish you a happy weekend!

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much IDK. Editing will make you great at finding your mistakes. You cannot do it while speaking, but while writing, you have all the time in the world to correct it. Happy Weekend mate.

 2 years ago  

Welcome Guru ji.

You cannot do it while speaking, but while writing, you have all the time in the world to correct it.

Indeed bro!! Happy weekend!

 2 years ago  

LMAO. Guruji xD