in Hive Learners2 months ago

In a world where everyone seems to be after their own happiness and that of their loved ones, those who show kindness to just anyone can be a beacon of hope to those who least expected it. I have been privileged to be in the position to show kindness and also receive kindness and I can totally relate with either cases. Today, we all have reasons to give for not being kind to others and it is quite understandable because you will agree with me that we are all going through different situations day in and day out.

The act of kindness is something that is evident anywhere it is practiced because it is something we don’t see everyday. I have received so many acts of kindness both from those that I expected it from and from those that I didn’t. For the one I didn’t expected it from, I was really impressed by that person’s act of kindness towards me because it was really timely.

As a high school graduate, I wanted to proceed to the next step by getting my JAMB form to be eligible for an exam that will give me the opportunity to go to the university. All my mates were already applying but for some reasons, I was a bit not sure if I should apply because I was worried I might not do well and also, I was not sure where the money to fund my schooling will come from since my dad was not doing well financially.

About a week to the close of registration, I went to a computer center to apply but on getting there, I was told that since I was applying late, I will have to pay an extra fee, but I only went there with just the money for the old price and my transportation fee back home. The only way for me to get money was for me to go back home and that was going to take me a long time because my place was far. I can be very emotional for things like this and while I was holding my tears back from falling, a guy just came to me and told me he has paid for me.

I was surprised because I have never met him before. I guess he heard my conversation with the person in charge since he was the one behind me. Thanks to him, I didn’t go back home and I was able to get everything done. We actually talked for a long time after that and it was surprising that he was just genuinely interested in helping out and nothing more. At that point, I told myself that I want to be that kind because what he did for me really saved me but to him he might have thought it was something little.

The truth is, we never know who we are putting a smile on their faces or who we are saving from a situation with that little act of kindness we show to them. You might think it’s little but then, just do it anyways because it might be huge to the next person. That day I went back home feeling grateful and motivated to be kind to others as well.

I have also had experiences when I wished someone would be nice but I was sad they weren’t. It was during the raining season and because of that I don’t wash my clothes often until I see the sun was out. I washed this faithful day because the weather was really nice but I had to leave the house for something important hoping to get back soon before it rains. And I was also hoping that even if I don’t get back in time, the others that also spread their clothes outside would help me remove mine when they come for theirs since that was what I do most times.

Little did I know that everyone was not like me. That day the rain fell for a really long time and even held me back. When I came back home, I found my clothes completely drained and some even fell on the ground. I was really sad about it but there was nothing I could do. They had reasons for not helping me remove my clothes but I was just sad about it. And ever since then, I struggled with helping others pack their clothes when it was about to rain but I knew it was not right and I had to stop doing that. As long as I see the clothes and it is about to rain, I try to get them from the hanger or call the person to come get them.

The truth is, showing kindness can be really hard sometimes and that is because we want others to show us the same kindness we show to them but it shouldn’t be so. Be kind because you want to be and not because you want others to be kind to you. You will be lucky one day to also receive an act of kindness from someone but your goal shouldn’t be to get the same energy you give out because it is not going to always be that way.

Thank you for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine

Posted Using INLEO

 2 months ago  

Hey there, baby. It is really beautiful when people out of nowhere do good things for us. Like you mentioned, they are rays of hope. Strangers who go around putting smiles on faces are charging the world one step at a time.

Thanks to the man who helped you. God bless him. I have also been into a similar situation.

The fact that they allowed your clothes get drained might make you want to stop helping people pack their clothes in when it is about to rain. I’m not gonna lie, that’s what I would do, but I don’t think that is the right approach, right?

 2 months ago  

Yes oo, thank God for that man. 🤭

Naturally, that’s how we would want to respond to things like that but then, as they say “two wrongs don’t make a right”. So, no love, that’s not the right way to go about it.

Thank you for your input, my love. 🤗

 2 months ago  

Humans will always be humans, we've those who would come into our lives and we'll immediately start seeing everything differently in a positive way and others, like the case of the guy who help you with the payment of your jamb registration fee, and not having other intentions than to help you, that's the beauty of humanity.

Then we've people who're opposite like your neighbours who despite how many times you help them remove their clothes from the line during rainfall couldn't do same for you, it's one act that makes us want to stop being good or do what we do to them before.

But my advice is to continue in your good ways and not let their act stop you from rendering your kind gesture.

 2 months ago  

That’s just it, grandpa. Most times when we experience the other side of kindness we tend to let it change us from being the good people that we are and it shouldn’t be so.

Thanks for the advice, GP. ❤️

 2 months ago  

You must be grateful that there are still many good people around your life, indeed the help of others is what we expect and what we don't expect as you said, which of course we are still impressed by the help of people we don't know.

 2 months ago  

That’s right. 😊
Thanks for leaving your input. 🤗

 2 months ago  

First off, I'm so in love with that title of yours sis 🤭🥰
That guy was really kind, not everyone would react to an issue that doesn't concern them.

About "I don't care" neighbours do with clothes hanged outside when it's about to rain, I have done it before and I had to change when it happened to me, it's very sad to redo what has been done 🥲

 2 months ago  

Indeed that Young Man really tried and how he helped you out, and his how genuine he was, of a truth there are still good people out there.

 2 months ago  

Yeah, I agree with you. 🥰

Yeah. You are right dear. Just a little kindness can save a situation and sometimes when we refuse to help we might get people into bigger problem.
Thanks for sharing

 2 months ago  

Thank you more, mama. 🥰

 2 months ago  

How amazing that soul that paid for u is...a total stranger.. Indeed, good people still exist

Be kind because you want to be and not because you want others to be kind to you

This is it!... being kind to people without expectations is the best.. otherwise you will just feel hurt unnecessarily

 2 months ago  

Well said, mama. 😘

Thanks for stopping by. ❤️

 2 months ago  

Dear sister, How are you?
Visiting your post after long long time..
Anyway i am back again.
Hopefully you are well.

Not everyone has the mentality to cooperate, but those who do are truly God's beloved people.The person who helped you must have a big heart and he will receive a great reward from God. However, we must always have the mindset of doing good and not expecting anything in return. Surely, the Creator sees everything and He is the right planner. I know how good mentality you have, so prayers will always be there for you.

 2 months ago  

It’s really so good to have you back.
I have been good and I hope you have been too.

That’s right, God sees our efforts towards contributing in anyways to help others and he will definitely reward us accordingly.

Thank you for stopping by. 🥰

 2 months ago  

Thank you. 🥰