Guilt and Punishment for Sin is not Transferable

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hello hivelerners family, how are you doing today?
Ezekiel18:2 “What do you mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?”
God spoke to prophet Ezekiel that they should not use this kind of proverb again.

Exodus 30:5 says, “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
God said he would punish children as a result of the sins of the father.
We have many account in the Bible where the sin of the father affected the child.
David committed an adultery, and even killed bathsheba's husband. David fasted for three days for his sins to be forgiven; God told David that the son shall die. Obviously, the child died.
The sin of Adam and Eve affected everyone of us today.
Because Adam disobeyed God in the garden, we are all partaker of the sin of Adam today.
Therefore, in those days, the sins of the parent is transferable to the generations not only the immediate children.
According to the Bible, land opened and swallowed up everything that pertain to Korah Dathan and Abiram- the sons, the wives, little children and their properties. You will see all the pictures in the book of numbers 16.

In those days, the sins of the fathers were transferable to the sins, even to the generations unborn.
God spoke to prophet Ezekiel that they should not use the proverb that says “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge”.
The proverb is no more relevant that “every soul that sinneth shall die."
No matter how grievous the sin of the father, it should not be transfer to his children.

I don't think it is logical for a father to commit crime and the children should suffer for it.
In our world today, I have never seen a situation where a child is punished for the sins of his/her parent. Even though, the man run away, the child will not replace his father. Even though they are biologically connected, or the child have the genes of his father, the identity of the father is different from the child.

Even thought the children partake in the blessing and joy of the parents, they should not be partaker of the sins of their parents.
It is crucial and important to take care of your children, and if you don't take care of your children, who will take care of them.
If the children push you to commit sin, they should not be punished because we have a choice to make. One of the greatest gifts that God give to human beings is the choice to choose. If they ask you to commit sin, you have a choice to say ’no’ or ‘yes’.
Therefore, individual is punished by the choice he made not because of the factors behind it. Children, wife, friends, poverty and sickness may be the factors.
Will you say because poverty is a factor, poverty should also partake in it.
One day, a thief was caught stealing, they asked him why did he steal, he said he was hungery.
They asked him that, “why don’t you ask? If you ask 50 people one of the would have helped you. You just decided to steal."
I believed people would have helped him, or if the thief branch restaurant and ask the owner that please let me wash plates for you and you pay me with food in return. Some of the restaurant owners would have accepted the deal.

You are absolutely responsible for everything that happened to you; be it good or bad. This is because God gave us capacity to desern good and evil. He gave us the brain to think.
Deuteronomy 30;19 says “19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”
He said choose life and blessing so that you may live in peace and rest of mind, but some people preferred to choose trouble, and death.
I don't need anybody to tell me that stealing is bad,I knew stealing is bad and I can never commit it. No matter how strong is the pressure, I cannot commit stealing. That is my choice and if I mistakenly commit it because of my child, I alone should be responsible for it because it is my choice even though there is a factor that courses it.

Even if friends are pressuring you to join them, you can report or run away from them.

One of my the guys in my department was pressirized to join secret court during undergraduate, but he ran for his life. Today, he his living freely.
The other person joined, and he did not have rest of mind. He cannot use social media because he is running for them.
Last year, they killed him.
Therefore, Guilt and punishment is not transferable.

Credits to canva: cover photo created by canva

 2 months ago  

I agree, no matter how serious a father's sin is, that sin should not be passed on to his children.

 2 months ago  

That is the best thing, the soul that sinneth shall be punished

 2 months ago  

Yes you right, parents should work hard and leave something for there children, it has to do with the right planning for the future our children. Thanks for sharing.

 2 months ago  

Protecting and providing for our children is a responsibility from parents.