The first telephone was invented by Graham Bell in 1876 so that people could contact their loved ones without a delay of days or weeks and over time the invention of the mobile phone brought many changes. We started video calling our loved ones with just a voice call. The first smartphone was introduced in 1992 and this invention was one of the greatest of its time as it provided so many features in just one device, and it could easily fit in your palm. But who would have thought that the great invention of the 1990s would tame the races and spoil them?
The original purpose behind the invention of smartphones was never to make people addicted to them but actually to help us, but in today's age we are using them a lot, even not only children but also adults are using them knowing that smartphones have so many disadvantages.
My Screen Addiction
It is quite ridiculous to mention that I used to use the screen for about 12 hours daily. Isn't that a lot? Yes, it is.
It's not like I'm a kid and I don't know if I'm overdoing it but still, I was addicted to it and it's not easy to come out of your addiction phase. Two years back I had around 15 thousand followers on TikTok and my snap score on Snapchat was 1M. Isn't that too much? It's a lot for me because I got my first phone in 2020 and within a year I'd explored everything on social media.
Too much screen usage not only affects our eyes but it also makes us anxious, when I used to use the screen too much I used to feel so depressed that I would scream at the smallest things. And my mind was usually filled with toxic things from social media.
Especially if someone is using TikTok a lot, he will definitely become mentally ill in a few years. I'm not kidding it's true... each 30 to 40-second video is different from the other video you've been watching before and your mind is getting so much to absorb. After using TikTok for several days, you will realize that you have turned into a person who can't do one thing for hours, you will try to find easier ways to do things because your mind is used to with 40-second learning intervals, and it will get bored after 40-seconds. Similarly to the other shorts and reels, we see on social media to pass our time.
Ways To Deal Screen Addiction
To deal with something bad, we first need self-motivation. Without self-motivation, a person can never get out of their addiction phase. What if you don't really want to reduce your screen time but just want to show others that you're really bothered by your increased screen time? That's why self-education and self-motivation is the first step to anything. No one is able to help you if you are not willing to help yourself.
Below are some other tips to reduce your screen time:
Advice - You can choose one. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and WhatsApp are all similar in one way or another. All these sites aim only to connect you with others. So use minimal social media accounts. For example, uninstall your Snapchat if you have an Instagram account. Instagram itself is enough to consume half your day you don't need another platform.
Benefit - It's always helpful to take small steps instead of torturing yourself to reach the perfect level on the first attempt, at least it won't tire you.Advice - If you are tired, choose to sleep. Mostly it happens that people spend their time on scrolling gadgets when they are bored or tired.
Benefit - Watching a screen makes you more tired, but sleep helps you start fresh with new energy.Advice - Shift your work offline. People with increased screen time are mostly those who work on social media or who store their documents and files online on Drive. What if you save these files in hard copies?
Benefit - Hard copies are easily accessible and anyone can access them regardless of internet connection and other digital restrictions.
Overall, increased screen time always makes us tired, so instead of being mentally distracted, do some activities that will help you use your brain power more efficiently.
The things you have mentioned here are true if someone put their mind into it and everything have their own pros and cons. While, it is addicting there are many ways you can put the smartphones in a good use.
I also really like the advices you have given and I'll make sure to try them on myself.
Undoubtedly, smartphones and screens were originally created for our benefit, but the way our current generation uses them has turned them into a negative invention.
I appreciate you liked my advice, I was confused about whether they were actually appropriate or not. I would love to hear your feedback on whether or not my advice has been helpful to you.
Wow, that is a nice ways you give on how to deal with screen addiction thanks for sharing and do have a wonderful day
I hope these suggestions will be helpful for someone who is addicted to smartphones and screens. Thanks for dropping a lovely comment.
We've noticed that your engagement with other authors is poor, and that's not encouraging at all. You need to make comments on the post of others and also reply to comments on your posts as well. This is to foster growth within the community.Hello @hadianoor
Oh I'm sorry for that.. I'll take care of it next time and try to do good engagement with other authors
Thanks for informing, have a nice day 😁
You have raised a valid point. The rest of the smartphones were made to connect with our loved ones, but we are using them to be more social. I can say that I put a lot of effort into reducing my usage, and I rarely use it anymore.