The Ripple Effect of Karma

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Do you believe in karma? I see people take this word lightly, involving themselves in bad things and feeling there is no repercussion for what they do today or tomorrow, for me, I'd rather believe there is something called karma and try my best to be a good person than live life like nemesis won't be catching up tomorrow, the worst of it is knowing that not only does karma end with the doer of the evil, but it extends to generation to come, and this is a fact already mentioned in the Bible if you are a Christian you should know the verse that says that the sins of the father would be visited even to the fourth generation after them, For this reason alone, it is enough to live your way right and not be burden to you unborn generation.


This prompt reminds me of a movie I watched recently titled Seven Doors, where a newly enthroned king, even with a good heart towards his people couldn't maintain peace in his kingdom because of the sins of his forefathers, he suffered a terrible fate to the point of losing one of his child for a sin he knows nothing about, what this tells us is that karma is a respecter of no one, it didn't mind that the current king was good and still went ahead to strike its hard blows.

This doesn't just happen in movies alone. Most humans today are suffering because of the sins of our ancestors. It's common to find these groups of people in church or other religious circles trying to break free from such curses. Some even go to great lengths to denounce their family name. This is what I have witnessed personally. The world is beyond what meets the eye, so we should be guided by our current way of life, because it isn't only about us?


Just like evil deeds have repercussions, good deeds also pay back, there is one popular story of a bank manager whose poor mother was very caring to students of a university she sold bean cake to, she went as much as accommodating some that didn't have where to stay, even as a poor widow with no support, she had a good heart and never fails at extending her hands. It wasn't until many years later that her unemployed son got paid back for his mother's good deed when he went for an interview and the CEO who happened to see his files recognized his name and town since he schooled there and was one of the students helped by the boy's mum.
He felt the strong urge to repay her good deeds to her son since she was late then. From that day on, the boy's life changed, as did his siblings.

Some people would argue that the doer of evil should be the one to face the repercussions, I am also on this table, as many innocent people today suffer for what they know nothing about, and don't even have a clue of how to get out of the mess. It is only the good deeds that should be passed down, but life won't be balanced this way, so we should all strive for goodness from our hearts at all times, always have it at the back of our mind that the god or bad you do today might male or mar your unborn generation

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Thank you for reading.

 2 months ago  

I agree that karma exists and I believe that if a person commits a sin, he will definitely get the result of it in some form or the other in this birth. But it is not always the case that we have to go through the mistakes of our ancestors. Yes, it is possible that some aspects of our life may change due to their decisions, but this much is certain that if we have done good and worked hard, we will definitely get the result, even if it takes some time, but nothing wrong will happen to us if we have not done bad to anyone.

 2 months ago  

It's indeed a ripple effect unless there is an injection of mercy/pardon over the wrong deeds.

Thanks for sharing this with us

 2 months ago  

My point exactly.
You have explained this so well that I enjoyed reading.
The only solution here is to live and do right so that children would not partake of the evil on ground.
Thanks mama

 2 months ago  

I'm glad you enjoyed reading, yea, let's try our best to be good people.

 2 months ago  


 2 months ago  

Living right is absolutely the best in other not to cause any negative effects if only some people will listen.

 2 months ago  

I just wish everyone knew this.

"It is only the good deeds that should be passed down......." But in our world the innocent even suffer from what they know nothing about.
God will help and deliver us
Thank you for this awesome content ♥️