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RE: The Timeless Magic of Music

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Yes my Dad always share his music life experience with us. He'd boast of the quality of music made in 80s during their prime. I didn't think he was sincere though I try not to argue with him but with this coming from another person, I'm beginning to think that he might be right after all

 2 months ago  

The music of the 80s represents a lifestyle, I wish you had the opportunity to use a time machine and be able to live the experience of looking at the Atari 2600 Pacman poster announcing that it goes on sale next week, and live the whole atmosphere of the time. That's what I miss the most, it's magical, and to be honest, I haven't experienced anything even close to it in the last 45 years.

Wow! 🥰🥰🥰