The Impact Of My Favorite Music.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hi great minds, it's another contest again hope you are in good condition and having fun once again welcome to my blog.

Music is one of the thing we can't do without music has a of calming one nerves music is powerful it something that even God Himself enjoy, music can even be heard when animals are crying some of them there cry is like music on to the Lord, music is much more spiritual and it has the power to carry one attention, music is one of the gift the creator has given to man kind, some people listen to music just to chill out with friends others listen to music for comfort.

My favorite, is a kind of music that makes me to know that I came to this world with a purpose it always push me to God, each time I listen to that music it refers me to God and my life Purpose it a powerful much by Moses Akoh, you will want to listen to it, it's said I have come with the volume of the book to do that which was written about me and to do your Will ho God, that song always pull me to God, it's makes me to know that life has a reason.

It makes me to have a sease of direction, you some time when the pressure of life has come upon you sometime you feel frustrated but listening to this songs which is your favorite would change your perspective and focus in you to the main essence of your being on Earth so having a favorite song that always tear your spirit leading you to your creator wow I can't stop talking about my favorite song you know this song I'm talking about even while I'm sleeping I listen to it because it like a link that connect me.

Sometime if I'm depressed whenever I listen to this my favorite songs it lift the ways of Life of me even if I'm tired from from work and I just listen to this song it has a way of refreshing me suddenly you will see strength emanated from nowhere that is the power behind music so it depend on what kind of music you listen to I enjoying listening to gospel music but for now my favorite music is I have come to do that with written of me.

The song is inspiring fill with wisdom sometime when I don't know what to do I listen to it in it I hear the voice of God whispering to me in order to make a good decision it helps my spirit to connect to my creator because songs are powerful, sometime I will be in trouble don't know who to talk to so when I put this music and I put my earpiece on wow, it sounds encouraging to me knowing that life has it purpose via the song yes it encourage me on a daily basis the song stand as a channel of strength that keeps me going without turning back or giving up in life so we keep on moving via the power of music even when I'm working it's helped me to work because of the power and the passion of this music.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

 2 months ago  

I agree, favorite songs can add enthusiasm to life

 2 months ago  

Yes, thank you for visiting.

 2 months ago  

Ohhh i never listen this song well that's the only motivation to me lol that i came to this world with a purpose