When you are in love with an Abuser

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

A few days ago, I was watching an interview pastor Femi Lazarus had with a lady who had just been freed from an abusive relationship. One thing you should understand is that she wasn't forced to stay in it; she stayed because of certain reasons, which I will be explaining to you today. Those reasons are the answers to the question asked by the Hivelearners community.


In my opinion, there are several reasons why individuals may remain in toxic relationships or friendships. One possibility is that they may fear being alone or feel like they have invested too much time and effort into the relationship to walk away. Some ladies are in an abusive relationship because the relationship has been going on for years and people already know her for that certain guy, and the same goes for the guy too. Many people feel that if they walk out of that friendship or relationship, they would be alone or they would meet worst out there, but the truth is that, where there is darkness, there is a light.

Some individuals may struggle with low self-esteem or have been manipulated into believing they deserve the mistreatment they are receiving. We can find friendships like this in schools, amongst students.

The lady who was interviewed said she was so much into that guy because she believed she would never find a better guy. Another reason was because the guy was the one sponsoring her during her school.

This is where some people get it wrong—the fear of losing out. Some individuals have registered it in their hearts: "If I leave this person, I wouldn't be able to get help from any other place." The thought of this has kept them entrapped in that relationship or friendship even when they are being abused.


Another thing this beautiful lady said was that she had no one at home looking for her—that is, no family member who cared for her well-being. Did she have a family? The answer is yes! Family dynamics can also play a significant role in why some individuals choose to stay in toxic environments. The pressure to maintain familial relationships, even if they are harmful, can be incredibly strong. In some cases, individuals may feel a sense of duty or obligation to their family members, even if those relationships are toxic.

So here is what can be done to reduce the rate of individuals staying in toxic relationships.
Education and awareness are key. By providing resources and information on healthy relationships, individuals may be better equipped to recognize and address toxic behaviors. Speaking up too, if you notice a friend who is in a toxic or abusive relationship, help them speak up or speak up for them.


Showing people what love really means—all this can be done when educating them on how to stay away from a toxic relationship.

Thanks for reading. Before the gist comes to an end, wouldn't it be nice to know the person whose blog you just read? Ok, my name is FashTioluwa. Hive's favorite alien from Mars. A friendly advice: date people from Mars; we don't do toxic relationships.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You might need to introduce us to some people from Mars at this point.😂
This was a lovely read and your points were very relevant.
It's funny how I saw a video about something similar on a road trip this morning.

 2 months ago  

hehehe, let me start with Fash the guy from mars.
There are interviews of many people who have been in a toxic relationship, just sad that many people are not reading to learn from it.
Thanks for your comment. I am following you immediately

Ojalá dios me libre de ser dependiente de la cercanía de alguien, o algo, creo que es una de las peores cosas que pueden haber

 2 months ago  

It's actually one of the worst things that can happen to someone, because when that one we depend on starts misbehaving, we would be able to go or say no to them. We remain stuck and start enduring the pain.

 2 months ago  

I agree with you, education and awareness is the most important thing to get out of these toxic relationships, and I think it is also necessary to make these situations public, because in this way you receive help and avoid bigger problems.

 2 months ago  

Yeah, we need to make more of this thing public because many people die in silence when they have escape, they want to keep it silent because they are ashamed to face the public

 2 months ago  

People gossip a lot, stating how long people have been together and not ending up TOGETHER so, they'd rather endure the hardship and save themselves the shame of being the talk of town. But hey, people will always talk. A friend of mine has been married with a kid for about three years after meeting her husband and getting married in less than six months.

People will always talk!!!

Family has pushed many people into toxic relationships or staying one.

We are adults and must learn to make decisions for ourselves and by ourselves.

Good writing here

 2 months ago  

Very true, so much wisdom in few lines.
Thanks for this thoughtful comment.

 2 months ago  

You're welcome sire

 2 months ago  

Amazing post,toxic relationship is harmful and can damage or destroy people. And I agree with you with how education and awareness can make us recognize any toxic relationship.

 2 months ago  

Yeah, people need to understand the signs that shows one is in a toxic relationship

 2 months ago  

Thanks for the compliment