Finding out you’re adopted shouldn’t cause a trouble

in Hive Learners5 days ago

It’s just as the topic said. Sometimes people treat the realization of being adopted as a big deal. Yes, the news can be shocking and heartbreaking from not telling you on time, but there are two kinds of situations one can be that will determine the kind of reaction one will have to give when he or she finds out they are adopted, and we are going to be seeing things from my perspective, but before we do, wouldn’t you like to know the person's blog you’re reading?

Yes, it’s me, Fashtioluwa. Have a favorite alien who came from Mars to tell you what I would do given the situation if I found out that I’m adopted and the people I look up to aren’t my parents. It’s nice to have you on my blog; now let’s get started.

Like I said at the beginning of the blog, my reaction will be based on two things or scenarios. The first one

Nice and happy family

If I find out my loving and caring parents who have taken care of me without the knowledge of my biological parents who abandoned me due to one or two reasons and they can’t raise me up themselves, but some other people who have no blood ties with me took me in, raised me as their son, gave me a roof, and even gave me siblings that love me. If I find out they are not my biological parents, I’ll be shocked at first because it wasn’t expected. I’ll be sad because the people I cherish and look up to aren’t really my parents; all will also be happy they had the courage to tell me. They’ll still be my parents, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything else. I’ll just forgive them and move on with my life.

Second scenario

Abusive and Sad Family

You know there are some humans that become evil and tend to maltreat their adopted child immediately they have their own kids. Well, I speak from what I have seen happen in the real world. I love the action the lady took, but we are not here to talk about the lady; we are here to talk about me.

If I were to find myself in that situation, I would feel very angry because all the bad memories would come back hurting hard. I would be confused because I wouldn’t understand why my parents rejected me and the one who adopted me maltreated me. I would feel I’m the problem, and at that point, I would just leave the house if I had the capacity to do so.

In Conclusion

Being adopted is not a big deal. Having another person as your parent can stir up different emotions in our hearts or minds, but the way the situation is handled matters a lot. Having a parent is everyone's dream, and a caring parent at that, so finding out you have a good adopted parent shouldn’t change things extremely between them.

Thanks for reading.

 5 days ago  

Your concluding sentence says it all,"finding out you have a good adopted parent shouldn’t change things extremely between them" especially if they are good parents.

 4 days ago  

People need to understand this

 4 days ago  

Being adopted is not a challenge but how one handles the situation matters a lot. Thanks for this input

 3 days ago  

You’re welcome