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RE: My Secret Is My Life Can't Be Exposed.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

You said a lot and I wonder where to start making my input. I was captivated by the last paragraph however before I drop my insight let me say Media is like a tongue which has both bitter and sour taste depending on what you are chewing. The question is if you don't want people to press into your privacy why putting such information online for them? Social Media is like a coin depending on which side you turn that faces you. Just put what you feel people should know that's all.

I think is better we define the kind of things we drop on social media. Let's filter and those that are private should be kept private while the public should be made public.

Social Media is very open depending on how we make use of it. There are people that got their dream job through same platform.

Social Media like LinkedIn etc where one can input his curriculum vitae in case it suits any organisation you could be call upon. Is just that some are mis using the privilege.

Is just to have balance and keep moving on.

 2 months ago  

Yes, I agree with you but some people are naive of the future due to their immaturity the post such things, I know of a teenage girl who put her half naked picture online without knowing the implication, that was when she was coming up, what will you say whit this, I personally I'm not good at putting things on social media but we victims who are suffering today because of their past mistakes.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

 2 months ago  

Thanks for your swift response. Have a pleasant day