in Hive Learners โ€ข 3 months ago

The season is upon us and it's all about Christmas even though this is not conventionally accepted. To some all they know is that it's a festive period. This season is characterised by so many things and it also means different thing to different people. The bottom line still remains that there's holiday.

Christmas season is a time where some Christians remember the birth of their saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. It plays a vital role in their confession of faith. It's normally practiced amongst most people across the world even though some still debate it trying to figure out the accurate date which Jesus Christ was born. I think no need to keep arguing what might not be so relevant rather everyone should be entitled to his or her opinion. Our hearts should just try to accept one another that's all.

I noticed that there is an aberration from the true meaning of what Christmas entails to mere eating and high cost of living. It will interest you to know that there are people that find it difficult to feed, and even do something for their families in the cost of the year. There are parents that find it difficult to fend and provide the basic need of their children especially in terms of school, church and other platforms but can go ahead to even borrow resources just to gratify the desires of their hearts. It's in this season that some parents go through intense pressure all in an attempt to meet up with the so-called need of Christmas. For me this is uncalled full because no one will be rewarded because you spent so much during Christmas neither would there be any award to be given to any individual for good Christmas celebration.
This is absolutely a deviation from the normal of what ought to be done.

Christmas ought to be beyond eating and drinking and all manner of merriment to a serious moment of impact full living.
From the family I was brought up from, we were not exposed to just drinking and wearing new clothes alone. In fact they recommend fasting for us during these kind of season. What i could remember clearly that my parents taught was the issue of maintaining concentration and smooth relationship with God. Many times we even take out to pray and fast during such seasons. Some children is there time where they would move around from one point to another in the name of celebration.

As a family man, there's a mindset I have and I am also trying to inculcate it into my children so that they would be balanced instead of competing with others for unnecessary things. They have learnt to live happily inspite of the season and they have learnt to live a normal life with everyone.

If you don't want to celebrate it as Christmas, you could just go ahead and have it as holiday where one could take out his family to a place for recreational activities. It helps to refresh one and prepares one for the task ahead.
As for me, i take it as both Holiday and season for celebration but with the right mindset anyways.
Let it be a moment to share love and all you have with people that don't have.

How do you intend to spend your Christmas or holiday? You may share your perspective on the comment section. Thanks for reading through my entry for this edition.

all pictures are mine.

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I think no need to keep arguing what might not be so relevant rather everyone should be entitled to his or her opinion.

I agree with you, just make the best out of your life.
Even though you refuse to blend with others.

I love your new perspective about the festive season.
Best wishes dear.

ย 3 months agoย ย 

Thanks so much dear.

You are welcome dear ๐Ÿ˜Š

ย 3 months agoย ย 

Christmas isn't a time to compete with others as my mum would always say, I don't have money this Christmas to buy things for you people; as long as there is life, next year I will buy those things for you people.

During the festive season, I just stick to what I can afford not because of anyone but for myself.

Nice post!!!

ย 3 months agoย ย 

I like that. I only stick to what I can afford. Keep it up

ย 3 months agoย ย 

Yes many who don't celebrate Christmas have holidays and they celebrate holidays by going outside..... You're doing good who celebrates both ๐Ÿ˜Š

ย 3 months agoย ย 


ย 3 months agoย ย 

I love this mind , take it as a season of holidays or celebration. Training children not to compete with other just because of the season

ย 3 months agoย ย 

Spending time with family is golden and a great way to enjoy the moment, fasting and praying is also a good idea..

I love your family tradition.