Why Suing Parents Will Never Work in My Country

in Hive Learners3 months ago

When I saw this prompt I burst into laughter, this is because such a rule can never be legalized in Africa, Africa is one of the best in disciplining children, especially in Nigeria, a person can give birth to a child but it takes a whole village to raise that child, Nigeria is a country in which another person will discipline your child and you will be happy about it, Nigeria hates indiscipline.


The way other people will discipline your child is very different from how you will discipline your child, so how many people will the child sue? Children do not have the right to sue their parents in my country because an adage says spare the rod and spoil the child, every parent has the right to discipline their child the way they want but not to the extent of killing them.

Children of this generation are very lucky because parenting is more easier than the way our parents handled us in those years, parents can now go to their children's schools to fight with any teacher who beats their children, parents are now failing in parenting and this makes some parent raising children who are so disrespectful in the society.

I went to work for a client two weeks ago, this was home service, when I got there the sitting room was so littered with clothes and so disorganized, nowhere to sit, I stood up with my make-up box waiting for the client to come out and let me get my work done and leave the premises, the client delayed me for about thirty minutes and when she finally came out she was talking to one of her children to come and arrange the clothes and pack them to the laundry room, the girl was talking back at the mother and telling her she is too tired to do any of it, the mother just laughed and turned to me if I could help fold the clothes.

I smiled and asked her if she raised the child out of the country but she said no, I asked her if the child was suffering from mental illness and she replied no, I told her to sit and let me do my work, I understand the reasons for my questions because if this lady happens to be raised by my mother she will know how to raise responsible children.

If you ever try taking your parents to court in Africa then you are literally out of this world, there will be no peace for you ever again in such a house, and the way your siblings, parents, neighbors, and friends will neglect you will be out of this world, you will live a lonely life and everyone around you will see you as a prodigal son and never wants to associate themselves with you, you will also have a nickname in your area, anytime you pass they will always point fingers at you that see the child that Sues her parents, such child will see the other side of life.


I am not in support of suing one parent, suing parents can only work in other countries but definitely not in Nigeria, parents are like our guiding angels, they know what is best for us and always find a way to shape our lives and direct our steps but in a way where parents are abusing their children then I can suggest suing them, but if it is limited to discipline and correcting them with love then no need for suing them.

I just have to say that parenting in Africa is a force to be reckoned with. We may not always do things the same way as the rest of the world, but we get the job done. So, if you ever try to mess with an African parent, be prepared for the rod.

TO SUE YOUR PARENTThis is my response to today's episode of hivelearners community prompt of #HL-W143E02 which the topic is tagged


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 3 months ago  

There is nothing bad in having children's authority base on the fact that they children might misbehave. But it's so bad taking your parents to court, well it can't happen in our country as you said.

Suing parents can only work in other countries but definitely not in Nigeria.

Reasons, why I like my origin. It won't work here. However, it's so disheartening to see some parents imbibing nonsense culture all in the of pampering their children.

May God help our understanding🙏