Work smarter not harder ( Work and Study )

in Hive Learners3 years ago


Working a job alongside studies is a tough task but almost 70% of students have to do it. At first these things seem very difficult because I have experienced them myself but gradually we get used to them. To be honest, the benefits of doing a job along with studying are huge.


We start taking decisions seriously in our life. Become more responsible because students who only study and take money from their parents become wiser much later in life. They don't realize their responsibilities quickly, that's why many times they have suffered a lot.

No one likes to do two jobs ( work and study) at the same time but some compulsions force a person to do it. We are surrounded by problems from both sides. Can neither focus on studies nor on work. I realized this very late but I felt that if we follow a proper routine, life will be much easier for us.


Tips for managing anxiety

1:- We should set a proper time table with separate hours for studying and separate hours for working.

2:- Work should not be brought in while studying, nor study while working. Keep full focus on the task at hand.

3:- Take breaks and eat healthy food.

4:- Make habbit of drinking fresh juices like orange juice or milk shakes. It refreshes our mind.

5:- During the break, talk to someone who refreshes your mood, he/she can be a friend, relative or family member.

6:- When you feel that nothing is going well, then leave the work for a while because the work done in anxiety never goes well. (Most important tip)

7:- Six to eight hours of sleep is a must because if sleep is not complete, we will not be able to focus on any work.

9:- Either morning walk or exercise should be a habit because it removes negativity from the mind and attracts positive energies.

I myself also, because I work along with studies, I have made a habit of morning walks. I walk barefoot on the grass in the morning. It keeps the eyesight very well and the mind fresh and we are ready to face the challenges of the day.

10:- When my life gets too stressful, I find sleep to be the best solution. Some people don't sleep when they are worried but they should make it a habit to go to sleep when they feel anxiety because when we wake up from sleep our mind feels completely fresh then we can come up with some solution of our problem.

All these things I have told are what I apply in my daily life and it helps a lot. I have kept both the works in their place. Never bring your working routine into study time, nor your study time at work. I excels in both tasks.

Many people think that doing two tasks at the same time will be very harmful, but believe me if you do a job with studies, it will give you a lot of benefits in life. You will become wiser very quickly and have the ability to take good life decisions I promise :)

Kind regards;

Thank you for reading my post.



 3 years ago  

You are very accurate on your points. Working and studying might be hard at first but as long as you remain consistent and dedicated, it will get easier with time

 3 years ago  

Consistency matters alot. Thank you for reviewing my post :)

 3 years ago  

Very intelligent points you outlined here. At first it looks difficult but with proper handling, you'll get better.
Keeping full focus on the task at hand whether it's studies or work is key for maintaining that balance. Thanks for sharing with us.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your appreciation. It means alot :)

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Keep doing the great job ❤️


Very correct... Anything done in anxiety will never work out as we want. Because anxiety is just negative energy, and it is rare for anything positive to come from it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for reviewing my post :)