The burden of curse on children

in Hive Learners3 months ago

What goes around comes around and in a nutshell it is called karma. Karma has different ways of dealing with it victims both good and evil deeds which is why individuals are advised to live right.
Life is spiritual reasons why as parents or intending parents it is wise we lay our bed right. Our kids deserves only blessings and not curse from us as they are blessings from God to us and so only a wise father/mother leaves inheritance for their children as the word of God said not the other way round. Not withstanding the truth, curses can still be passed down from generations to generations if not broken cause life is spiritual like I have earlier said.

A lot of children have fallen victim of curses they knew nothing about but system brought them into it which is rightly not fair. Should an innocent child suffer for what he or she knew nothing about or let's say they were aware of the incident, certainly not. The parent should be allowed to face the consequences their selves if it's going to be possible. I believe life would be much better if this is the case where children only benefit from the good of their parents and left out for the consequences to fall only on the parents.

Sometimes back, there was this particular woman who has female children and married yet won't sit her ass peacefully in her husband house. She derived pleasure jumping from one mans bed to the other and whenever she was caught she would apologize and sometimes lie about it to her husband. Due to the nature of his work, although comes back home once a while I believe this man was fed up of all the happenings and decided to suprise his wife by coming home unannounced. He came in at an odd hour only to meet his nightmare right in front of his very own house.

Yeah!! He did sent her out of the house but because of his work after some months he brought back the wife in because she pleaded and he accepted well that's true love. But then after all this, the kids were the once to suffer and then parents who had female child were warning their daughters not to go close to the woman kids cause they believed one way or the other their mom has a strong influence on them. This kids were always segregated from the rest and even at their teenage age one can notice that it is beginning to have a negative impact on the them Like it is emotionally heartbreaking when in the process of arguing someone comes and rain insulting words on them with the character of their mother and their own self confident vanish immediately. So I am of the opinion that parents should suffer for their sins alone and let the innocent breath.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-147e2 Sins OF The Father. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts.

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Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

 3 months ago  

I feel so sorry for the kids of that woman. Imagine those innocent children suffering from their mother's deeds

Sometimes I am tempted to say that life is unjust but who are we to judge? Parents eat bitter leaf and the mouth of their children is suffering the bitterness.

 3 months ago  

It is only unfortunate that children get to taste the bitterness of their parents and this a lot of people are suffering from in different scenarios.

 3 months ago  

Stigmatisation is one of the tools used by the society to victimise people they believe to have defects. It is quite sad what happened to those children but then their mother is to blame not the children.

 3 months ago  

Indeed it is sad and true their money is to be blamed 💯 but the poor kids are the ones suffering cause of her sin.

 3 months ago  

In an ideal world, everyone should take responsibility for their problems and not pass them on to their children. That is very terrible and unfair. The story you tell is terrible, I feel sorry for that woman's children.

 3 months ago  

It is a thing to be sorry for the poor kids and I hope that everyone takes responsibility for their actions too, greetings.

 3 months ago  

I am in support of the opinion that everyone should carry his or her cross. A child shouldn't be made to suffer for the sin of the parent. From your story, it is unfortunate that the girls couldn't be assessed for who they are. I agree with your conclusion, parents should suffer for their sins alone.

 3 months ago  

True, everyone should live his or her live without their kids bearing unnecessary burdens.