A walk in time: Restoring peace and unity.

in Hive Learners4 months ago

It is my earnest desire to see my motherland peaceful just as it used to be before. While growing up, I was told lots of stories by my father and even I too witnessed a few with my very own eyes before the country turned to what it is today.

The city of kaduna was known as one of the most peaceful states in the early 1990s, and as at that time true love and peace existed between the two major religions. Everyone was his or her brothers keeper and it was all fun then. When it's Salah, we ate and drank with them and likewise when it's Christmas they reciprocate same. No one was scared of eating the other food and so it was. The house we first lived in were occupied by our brothers from the other tribe making my family and another the only ones from a different religion. My dad would say you can hardly tell if it's midnight or day time because everyone was free to move around with no fear of being kidnapped or murdered.

After sometimes, war broke out called miss world and it turned out to be a religion fight in my city and then trust was broken of which my family had to pack out from were they were living since both the compound and environment was dominanted by the other religion likewise others did same thing.
Although even after the war, peace was restored and we still can move around even when its a bit late but not as before.

Fast forward to 2015 after the presidential election was held and announced, it caused a severe war in the country and kaduna state was not left out facing the heat too. I remember that night we never slept in our house for about three days because of the riot going on. Not long after the riot was over, bomb explosion 💥 started again. From maiduguri then kaduna state joined. I will never forget that very Sunday the Sharon explosion happened while we were still in Church and that was how service was disrupted. It was a very terrible moment Churches around were suspended schools were closed till further notice and it again resulted into a religious fight.

My country has never been desame ever since then and I can't even imagine what was happening in other states but this was happening in my own city. Kaduna state is just recovering from all the perils it has gone through because after the bomb explosion stoped, kidnapped became the other of the day. They were not just doing it on highways but entering into hoods and so people had to live their houses and till date not everyone has returned back home. People are scared to travel through Abuja expressway when it's getting late because of the atrocities done there.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would have stopped the first war that broke out which I talked about earlier on called miss world. If that had not happened accompanied by others that came after it I know things would be a lot different. After which the presidential election the president was not the issue but his opponent I definitely would have done something about the election too probably both the major parties won't have won but another lesser party to avoid the wars and bomb explosion.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-141e3 Time Travel. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

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Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️