Fear is a natural phenomenon, it exceeds beyond physical appearance and mental capacity.
"We Retreat to fight another day"
Is a popular qoute in the twilight saga. It is mostly considered a move for the cowards. There is a saying " not all battles are won by strength but by the ability to strategize and make smart moves". In some situations in life you must learn how to back down and observe the situation before moving ahead. It is a strategy called losing to win. Know when to apply such strategy can be difficult at times.
People face all kinds of fears in life, some fears are highly ridiculous. I have a cousin who is highly traumatized by the mere sight of a chicken, it took her years before she could over come it. If there is something have learnt from facing fears is that, people need to take their time in processing and finding out what there true fears are and while they do that, there is a need for them to figure out which solution is best suited for their fears, no one should compare themselves with others because fears are unique to a person, what works for you might not work for others vice versa.
Brain Tracy qoute, fears are a living components of human psychological structure, it grows the more we dwell in self concealment.
I always love the way you discuss the most crucial aspect of human life, as a blogger, you are initiating and implementing the social responsibility theory of the media.
Nice Writing, it is highly educative and informational.
Lol. Your cousin was afraid of chicken 😹😹😹. I understand, I have phobia for cockroaches but doesn’t mean I don’t kill them. I push away my fear and do the needful.
Man where you dey see all these quotes. You are too good sincerely! You are the advanced version of me.
Fear has no boundaries oo, a whole boss like u is terrified of cockroaches. Make sure we don't meet, I might have to chase u with cockroach to test this theory 😅😅.
Bro advance you as how, you know I am always following your foot steps.
If there is anything I'm doing correctly is all thanks to your guidance.
Funny thing is, I would not run. But I am irritated when they touch me and at the sight of them.
I understand the feeling, in my own case it is spiders. Those creature have caused a lot of embarrassment.