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RE: Discovering My Talent

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Talents are God given. They are just like supernatural powers that aid us do things with ease and splendor. It is true that talents also varies from person to person. Though these gifts are in us, it is left for us to find them out, through testing our abilities on different things but advisably on thing we love doing most.

Though talents are natural but they need to be developed, or worked on rather. If you had not join the band in your church, as beautiful as your voice is, it would not matter. people love quality things. No one would love to listen to someone who only have sweet voice, grasp songs fast and composed songs with out knowing how music really works, this is where mentorship comes in, our talents needs to be trained. I would to listen to you sing some day😁😁

I love music so much but my voice is bad and I easily go off key😹 I don't like that kind of stress abeg.

 2 years ago  

You are very correct
I love that part where you said your talent needs to be worked on.
Yeah, if you don't work on your talent it may not serve it purpose.

About your voice, everybody can't sing
You have your own talent which is different from mine

 2 years ago  

About your voice, everybody can't sing You have your own talent which is different from mine.

That is another fact oh, everyone has his/her own style, it is just to discover it and make a very good use of it

 2 years ago  

Yea true 👍