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RE: Don't underestimate the power of Plants; (Botany)

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Thank God you didn't listen to Dad's suggestion. It is best we chase after what we want and not what our parents like for us. Imagine you had gone to be a medical doctor, you might not be very good at it as you are in botany and the passion won't be there. See that beautiful garden. Am already being tempted to visit you though not to see you but to have a little conversation with your guava and date plant.😁🙃😊

 3 years ago  

If I had listened to him, I might not be as happy as I am in this field. Thank you for appreciating me.

Come to Pakistan someday. I will show you the beauty of Pakistan along with my garden.💕

 3 years ago  

Oh my God I can't wait for that day. Pray for me to be rich on time, I won't only visit Pakistan but I would stay in Pakistan.

 3 years ago  

Haha insha'Allah
May your desire fulfilled one day. Ameen ✨

 3 years ago  

Ameen. Thanks for the prayer friend