Adoption Gone Wrong, Real Identity Discovered

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Adoption Gone Wrong, Real Identity Discovered

Photo by RDNE Stock project

The way we want things and wish for our stories to be might not really be how we will have them at the end of the day. Ideally, that's supposed to be heartbreaking but sometimes, it happens for our good.

I don't really see anything wrong with being an adopted child. My step sister was adopted by our Dad's friend after our Dad passed away and she seemed to find a family there.

Like most people, I grew up with that wrong mindset of adopted children always being maltreated and not considered as part of the family. You won't blame me because Nollywood movies corrupted my head.

Truly, some people act like that but the ideology behind adoption is to create another opportunity for a child to feel loved and also have a home.

A lot of people don't know that once you adopt a child, he/she automatically becomes your blood. The same privilege your biological children have is supposed to be given to that child. That day you resolved to take the child as yours, is when you gave birth to the child.

One of the beliefs we hold as Christians and what gives us the boldness to go unto God in prayer and expect him to answer us is that we believe that we are God's adopted children purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ.

This is part of why we are confident enough to call God our father. When we wrong him, we still go back and ask for forgiveness and we know he will forgive us and be merciful.

When we are in need we go to him through prayers and expect a supply. We also believe that we are partakers of his promises. Why? Because we are his adopted children.

So, if I wake up one day and discover that the parents I have now are not my biological parents, ideally, I will feel hurt, I am human but the truth is it's a normal thing.

Photo by Pixabay

It may not even take long for me to heal and move on if the family loves me and treats me as their own child without showing the difference between me and their biological children.

And I don't think I'll be angry with my adopted parents for concealing the whole thing from me all this while, of course, I'll ask questions, I may like to know who my biological parents are. After that, If they are still alive, I would love to look for them, but trust me if the reason for which they gave me out isn't genuine, I would be so disappointed in them but if it's genuine, I'll forgive them and move on.

Nevertheless, I won't leave my adopted parents, taking responsibility for me to the age I am now shows that they love me and want the best for me. In fact, keeping the matter from me also entails they don't want to lose me or get me hurt. For that, I'll stick with them unless they don't treat me right.

For many children after discovering that truth about themselves, they may begin to feel inferior in the family but not me. If the bond between us continues to be as it was, my adopted family will remain in my family for life.

Thanks For Reading

 5 months ago  

Well said, I like how you expressed we being son and daughters of God through believing. I think that clarifies the whole worries and inconvenience.
After all, we are sons and daughters of just two people, Adam and wife!

 5 months ago  

It's not bad to be adopted. The only time I have a problem is not the child is treated badly. Thanks for reading sir

 5 months ago  

For them giving another life when my actual parents left won't make me angry with them cause it means they believed in me even when my parent didn't so embracing them is sure the right thing to do.

 5 months ago  

That is very true. For a couple to take a child and decide to give that child a home means they mean well for the child.

Thanks for reading ma🥰

 5 months ago  

Thanks a lot❣️