A thoughtful gift : crafting a dog shaped pencil holder for my friend

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Greetings to you all and I hope all is well and fine with you. It's Sunday again and it's time to get creative, today I decided to create something different from my normal drawing routine which I usually do on Sundays and I couldn't think of a more creative idea than making this dog shaped pencil holder for my friend. As I sat at my crafting table surrounded by scraps of cardboard, scissors and gum, I felt a sense of excitement and creativity. I was crafting a dog shaped pencil holder for my dear friend, Joyce, who loves dogs and appreciate handmade gifts. This diy projects not only provides a functional and quirky way to store pens, markers and pencils, but also serve as a fun and creative way for crafty individual to experiment and display their creativity on Sundays. My friendship with Joyce has been a source of constant joy and support in my life, and so I wanted to gift her with something that reflected my appreciation for her, and so I thought about making this dog shaped pencil holder for her. Here's how I made it.


• cardboard
• pencil
• eraser
• acrylic paint
• brush
• scissors
• black embossed paper
• cutter
• white paper
• crystal fabric mesh.


step I

Firstly I gathered all my materials, and then I started by peeling off one side of my cardboard, and I started to draw the structure of a dog in the peeled cardboard.

step 2

I then carefully cut off the drawing of the dog in the cardboard which I made in step 1 above.

step 3

After doing that, I then colored the body and ears of it with black acrylic colour and the face red acrylic colour.

step 4

I then measured half of the body of the colored cardboard and cut it off and colored it red as well. And I also did the same for a long piece of cardboard by the length 7 cm x 40 cm which I cut.

step 5

After making everything, I then gummed my cardboard of 7 cm x 40 cm to the other half of the cardboard, after that I then gum them together to the dog shaped cardboard to look like this below

step 6

In this step,I then drew the mouth and nose in a black and white embossed paper and cut them off, and then I gum it to my craft so it will have some eyes and mouth as well.

step 7

Using my red acrylic colour and black embossed paper, I then formed the feet and hand and gum it to my craft.

step 8

I then cut one line of crystal fabric mesh and attach it to the edges of my craft with the help of my gum to make it look beautiful and nice.

With each step finally completed this brings me to the end of my craft and here's a picture of the final result

Creating this diy dog shaped pencil holder was a fun and creative project that offered me numerous benefits. I gifted my friend with a unique and personalized gift through a handmade craft of my own and she liked it, so gather your materials, unleash your creativity and get crafting because you may not know what your hands can create until you try.


until next time

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That's a creative one. I'm sure whomever you gift would appreciate it.