Talking about my currently playlist...

in Hive Learners2 months ago






     Greetings, Hive Learners people.

     Here I am again writing for the weekly entry. This week...

How does listening to your favorite music affect you? There's something about getting lost in a good song that draws you in and envelops you. Tell us how your favorite music makes you feel. What is the song that you can listen to over and over again without ever getting tired of it?

     This is a topic that I rarely talk about, but I think about it a lot. Just this morning I was moving house and on the way I was listening to my music (currently a playlist of 50 songs downloaded on my phone), and I was thinking about how I identify with that or how I interpret the song.

     It's interesting because I've been thinking like this for years: every thief judges by his own condition. That is, what I think of another person reveals much more about who I am than what the other person really is.

     I talk about this because the lyrics of the song are important to me, the lesson it leaves or something like that. I don't think that listening to violent music is going to make me a violent person, because I have something called criteria. But I have been taught a lot by those around me to be extremely careful with what the music I listen to says.

     Now, I'm going to talk only about my current playlist, because if I start talking about how my musical tastes have changed over time, this post is going to be almost endless.

     Okay, let's start with this: I think we all have guilty pleasures. You know, in this case, music that you enjoy but wouldn't let anyone know about because it would ruin your reputation (I'm using hyperbole to make the point) or that you even feel guilty about listening to - yes, that's my description of guilty pleasures.

     Well, my guilty pleasures are currently mixed in with my normal pleasures. Or "normal" because who defines what is normal or not? A topic for another article.

     The point is that they're on the same playlist because I usually only listen to my music with headphones. And when I listen to it in public, people have no idea what it's about because apparently there are only monolingual people around me - it's not arrogance, I've literally asked and they don't understand any English at all - so I have a wide margin of privacy there.

     Well, I just took a look at my playlist and I'm going to share with you the artists of these 58 songs in order from most songs to least - because, of course, I wouldn't be the one writing this if I didn't make an ordered list-.

  • Dualipa (11 songs - what do you see? It's okay, I'm a bit of a fan 🤣)
  • Music from series and movies (10 songs).
  • Billie Eilish (4 songs).
  • SIA (4 songs)
  • 5 Seconds Of Summer (3 songs).
  • Bruno Mars (3 songs).
  • Ed sheeran (3 songs).
  • Imagine dragons (3 songs).
  • Katy Perry (3 songs).
  • Megan Trainor (3 songs).
  • Taylor Swift (2 songs).
  • Ava Max (1 song).
  • Camila Cabello (1 song).
  • CARYS (1 song).
  • Fall Out Boy (1 song).
  • Little Mix (1 song).
  • Lyn Lapid (1 song).
  • Marshmello (1 song).
  • Mindy Gledhill (1 song).
  • Shawn Mendes (1 song).

     Finally, I'm going to answer the questions on the topic.

     None of my songs are sad. This is intentionally done, as I deal with Major Depressive Disorder, and I don't particularly like music that makes me feel sorry for myself.

     On the other hand, most of my music has a cheerful tone or promotes a strong mindset. Yes, a lot of it goes overboard with the independence theme and some is a bit dark in the opinion of everyone around me right now, but like I said, I have my own judgement and that doesn't have to influence me. I'm a pretty down-to-earth person and I think it just helps me laugh and keep a positive and humorous mindset most of the day, which gives me the strength to complete my daily activities. In my opinion, this makes the hobby of listening to music practical and I love practicality.

     On the other hand, a music that I would never get tired of? It doesn't exist. When I like a music too much to the point of obsession, I listen to it all the time until I hate it. So, I reach a respectful distance relationship with that song and listen to it in moderation. I don't know, it works for me.

     Well, that's all for today. Feel free to comment if you want. And thanks for reading if you made it this far.





Translated with Google Translate






     Un saludo, gente de Hive Learners.

     Por aquí de nuevo escribiendo para la participación semanal. Esta semana...

¿Cómo te afecta escuchar tu música favorita? Hay algo en perderse en una buena canción que te atrapa y te envuelve. Cuéntanos cómo te hace sentir tu música favorita. ¿Cuál es la canción que puedes escuchar una y otra vez sin cansarte nunca?

     Este es un tema del que no hablo casi nunca, pero pienso un montón. Precisamente esta mañana estaba haciendo una mudanza y en el camino escuchaba mi música (actualmente una playlist de 50 músicas descargadas en el teléfono), y pensaba en cómo me identifico yo con eso o cómo interpreto yo la canción.

     Es interesante porque desde hace años pienso así: cada ladrón juzga por su propia condición. Es decir, que lo que yo pienso de otra persona revela mucho más de lo que yo soy que de lo que realmente es la otra persona.

     Hablo de esto porque para mí es importante la letra de la canción, la enseñanza que deja o algo así. No pienso que escuchar una música violenta me vaya a volver una persona violenta, porque yo tengo algo llamado criterio. Pero sí me han inculcado mucho en mi entorno tener sumo cuidado con lo que dicen las músicas que escucho.

     Ahora, voy a hablar solo de mi playlist actual, porque si me pongo a hablar de cómo han cambiando mis gustos musicales a lo largo y ancho del tiempo, esta publicación va a ser casi infinita.

     Bien, empecemos por lo siguiente: yo creo que todos tenemos gustos culposos. Ya saben, en este caso, música que disfrutas pero que no dejarías que nadie se enterara porque arruinarías tu reputación (estoy usando hipérboles en favor de recalcar el punto) o que te sientes incluso culpable por escuchar -sí, esa es mi descripción de gustos culposos-.

     Pues mis gustos culposos están mezclados actualmente con mis gustos normales. O "normales", porque, ¿quién define lo que es normal o no? Tema para otro artículo.

     El punto es que están en la misma playlist porque normalmente mi música solo la escucho yo con auriculares. Y cuando la escucho en público, la gente no tiene idea de qué se trata porque en mi entorno aparentemente solo hay gente monolingüe -no es arrogancia, literalmente he preguntado y no entienden nada nada de inglés- así que por ahí tengo un amplio margen de privacidad.

     Bueno, acabo de echar un vistazo a mi lista de reproducción y les voy a compartir los artistas de estas 58 músicas en orden de más músicas a menos -porque, por supuesto, no sería yo quien está escribiendo esto si no hiciera una lista ordenada-.

  • Dualipa (11 músicas -¿qué me ven? Está bien, soy un poco fan 🤣)
  • Músicas de series y películas (10 músicas).
  • Billie Eilish (4 músicas).
  • SIA (4 músicas)
  • 5 Seconds Of Summer (3 músicas).
  • Bruno Mars (3 músicas).
  • Ed sheeran (3 músicas).
  • Imagine dragons (3 músicas).
  • Katy Perry (3 músicas).
  • Megan Trainor (3 músicas).
  • Taylor Swift (2 músicas).
  • Ava Max (1 música).
  • Camila Cabello (1 música).
  • CARYS (1 música).
  • Fall Out Boy (1 música).
  • Little Mix (1 música).
  • Lyn Lapid (1 música).
  • Marshmello (1 música).
  • Mindy Gledhill (1 música).
  • Shawn Mendes (1 música).

     Por fin, voy a responder las preguntas del tema.

     Ninguna de mis músicas es triste. Esto está hecho así de forma intencional, ya que lidio con el Transtorno Depresivo Mayor, y no es particularmente favorecedor músicas que me hagan sentir autocompasión.

     En cambio, la mayoría de mis músicas tienen un tono alegre o promueven una mentalidad fuerte. Sí, muchas se pasan de la raya con el tema de la independencia y otras son un poco oscuras en opinión de todos los que me rodean actualmente, pero como dije, tengo criterio y eso no tiene por qué influirme. Soy una persona bastante realista y creo que simplemente me ayudan a reír y mantener una mentalidad positiva y humorística la mayor parte del día, actitud que me da fuerzas para completar mis actividades diarias. Según yo, esto convierte el pasatiempo de escuchar músicas en algo práctico y yo amo la practicidad.

     Por otro lado, ¿una música de la que no me cansaría jamás? No existe. Cuando me gusta demasiado una música hasta el punto de la obsesión, la escucho en todo momento hasta que que la odio. Entonces, llego a una relación de distancia respetuosa con esa canción y la escucho con moderación. No sé, a mí me sirve.

     Bien, eso es todo por hoy. Eres libre de comentar si lo deseas. Y gracias por leer si llegaste aquí.



 2 months ago  

Heheh, I think I get you when you said if you listen to much to a particular song you love, it'll make you hate it and grow tired of it... It happens to me in movies but I've not noticed it with musics I love...

In your list, I think we might have same artist we listen to...

Dualipa, Billie Eilish, Sia, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Marshmello and Shawn Mendes

They are all artists I enjoy their work...

Surprised you just have one of Shawn Mendes', is that "It'll be Okay track?"

 2 months ago  

how interesting, well i don't watch movies or videos more than once. it's like a general rule. 🤭 so i totally understand you getting tired of them.

and i find it kind of admirable that you have some music that you are "loyal" to.

it's wonderful that you listen to most of them, it makes me feel good.

and no, the song I have is "There's nothing holding me back", but i'll take that as a recommendation for non-depressing music. 🤭

 2 months ago  

No no, it's rather the opposite 😑
It's a bit depressing my dear from the name even 😂, it'll be okay

 2 months ago  

🤣 Look, the fact that it's called "everything will be fine" doesn't mean that it's talking about a tragedy! But oh well.

 2 months ago  

I know it's one because I've listened to it although I love the song for real

 2 months ago  

I like your playlist because I can see some artists I am familiar with, and I am sure some of their songs that you listen to are also familiar to me.
You said you moved from your place, if I am correct. I hope you settle down well.

Well, music has a way of interpreting our behaviour and sometime I do tell people that the kind of music you listen to, people will paint you in that picture of the tone. Also, it is very important that we are careful of the kind of sound we allow into our soul. Nicely written. I enjoyed your reading your blog.

 2 months ago  

Certainly, several artists on my list are world-renowned, and that has this advantage: I can share tastes with many.

Yes! You noticed, I was part of a move today, indeed.

And thank you very much for your opinion, I think it helps me to be balanced.

 2 months ago  

You’re welcome 🤍🙌🏽