From when I went to the beach │ De cuando fui a la playa

in Hive Learners5 months ago






     Hello! Welcome to my blog. This time, the Hive Learners contest questions are:


Tell us about the last time you traveled. It could be anywhere and for any reason. Just tell us about the trip and your experience of the place.

     The last time I traveled to a place outside of Maturín was two years ago, when I went to Anzoátegui.

     I remember that I had just gone through a traumatic experience for me and I was deeply depressed, a friend saw me and said:

     -What you need is to go to the beach!

     And when I was about to say to her:

     -Well, I really don't think that will solve it...

     She finally convinced me. The truth is that I had never been to the beach before, so I was curious to know what it would be like.

     So we went with another friend and her husband. We traveled in their car, and I loved being able to see everything through the window. Even so, I remember that my thoughts were very sad and they didn't allow me to fully enjoy how beautiful it looked.

     When we got there, it was at a friend of my friend's daughter's house. Yeah, a bit of a mess, but the house was pretty big and nice. It was in a neighborhood that was uphill, pretty hard to get to on foot.

     I honestly don't remember any names at all. But I think I could get to her house if they put me right on the main street. I remember the paths.

     Well, the girl was really nice, and apparently had a very mother-daughter relationship with my friend, so both she and her father treated us pretty well.

     As soon as we could, we visited the beach closest to her house. The girl came with us, but she didn't bathe (you know, native things).

     On the other hand, I didn't want to bathe either. I don't know, I wasn't in the mood. In the end, they obviously forced me. Still, I didn't want to stay in a swimsuit (sorry, I just don't understand how to show most of my body in front of strangers while not panicking, and yes, I know it's the beach, and it wasn't that I was ashamed of my body, but I just didn't feel comfortable).

     I was so scared of the waves hitting me. But they taught me how to float (I'll be very grateful for that when the boat I'm on sinks in the middle of the ocean): they held me by the back while I tried to stay completely straight (that's the trick); don't lift your head or your arms or your legs. Completely straight.

     I was told to close my eyes, and feeling like I had no control over where I was going and no idea where I was, I panicked. I lifted my head and, sure enough, I swallowed water. It was beautiful.


Tell us about the beauties of the area and the things you feel need to change.

     Honestly, that first beach was dirty because something related to oil had spilled there (words come, words go, I don't remember). There was also garbage floating in the water (but they were desperate for a beach, so...).

     But the next two beaches we visited a couple of hours away were simply spectacular.

     On one I experienced for the first time that the waves want to carry you away. They were quite strong, and there were some kind of crabs that made holes in the sand under the water and came out from time to time to bite. I insisted on keeping my sandals on and almost lost one. 😂 Then I lost my fear of them.

     There was a calm part of the beach because of a barrier that prevented the waves from passing through. And I said:

     - Why is there no one there? It looks nicer.

     After a while I realized that there were some little animals that looked like transparent bags floating in the water. And they were surrounding me. Fortunately I have the virtue of never panicking, and I carefully slipped away from there.

     We visited the "silver beach" apparently named for the color of the sand. That was paradise.

     The water was completely clear, I could see my feet. And there was a contrast with the green of the mold on a small cave in the distance. We found lots of snail shells there, and I brought back a bunch of pretty rocks and stuff.

     But the boat ride there was the best. It looked like a place out of a magazine.

     The only thing I would change would be the trash on the first beach. I hope they cleaned it up.


Is this a trip you hope to repeat? Or will you never try it again?

     I would love to go again with my parents, especially with my mom who has never been to the beach (she's 42) 😢.

     Anyway... Thanks for reading and have a great day!




Translated with Google Translate






     ¡Hola! Bienvenidos a mi blog. En esta ocasión, las preguntas del concurso de Hive Learners son:


Cuéntanos sobre la última vez que viajaste. Podría estar en cualquier lugar y por cualquier motivo. Solo cuéntanos sobre el viaje y tu experiencia del lugar.

     La última vez que viajé a un lugar fuera de Maturín fue hace dos años, cuando fui a Anzoátegui.

     Recuerdo que acababa de pasar por una experiencia traumática para mí y estaba profundamente deprimida, una amiga me vio y me dijo:

     -¡Tú lo que necesitas es ir a la playa!

     Y cuando estaba por decirle:

     -Bueno, realmente no creo que eso lo soluc...

     Me terminó de convencer. La verdad es que no había conocido la playa nunca antes, así que me daba curiosidad saber cómo sería.

     Entonces nos fuimos con otra amiga y el esposo. Viajamos en el carro de ellos, y me encantó poder ver por la ventana todo. Aún así, recuerdo que mis pensamientos eran muy tristes y no me permitían disfrutar del todo de lo bonito que se veía.

     Cuando llegamos allá, fue en la casa de una amiga de la hija de mi amiga. Sí, un poco enredado, pero la casa era bastante grande y bonita. En un barrio que quedaba cuesta arriba, bastante difícil de llegar hasta allí caminando.

     Honestamente no recuerdo en absoluto ningún nombre. Pero creo que podría llegar hasta la casa de ella si me pusieran justo en la calle principal. Recuerdo los caminos.

     Bien, la chica era muy amable, y aparentemente tenía una relación muy de madre e hija con mi amiga, así que tanto ella como su padre nos trataron bastante bien.

     En cuanto pudimos, visitamos la playa más cercana a su casa. La chica nos acompañó, pero no se bañó (ya saben, cosas de nativos).

     Por otro lado, yo tampoco me quería bañar. No sé, no estaba de ánimo. Al final, obviamente me obligaron. Aún así, no me quise quedar en traje de baño (lo siento, simplemente no entiendo cómo mostrar la mayor parte de mi cuerpo frente a desconocidos mientras no entro en pánico, y sí, sé que es la playa, y no era que me avergonzara mi cuerpo, pero simplemente no me sentía cómoda).

     Tenía tanto miedo por los golpes de las olas. Pero me enseñaron a flotar (lo agradeceré mucho cuando el barco donde vaya se hunda en medio del océano): me sujetaron por la espalda mientras intentaba estar completamente recta (ese es el truco); no levantar la cabeza ni los brazos, ni las piernas. Completamente derecha.

     Me dijeron que cerrara los ojos, y al sentir que no estaba controlando hacia donde iba ni sabía dónde estaba entré en pánico. Levanté la cabeza y, por supuesto que sí, tragué agua. Fue hermoso.


Cuéntanos las bellezas de la zona y las cosas que sientes que necesitas cambiar.

     Honestamente, esa primera playa estaba sucia porque se había volcado algo allí relacionado con petróleo (palabras vienen, palabras van, no me acuerdo). También había basura flotando en el agua (pero estaban desesperados por playa, así que...).

     Pero las siguientes dos playas que visitamos a un par de horas de allí eran sencillamente espectaculares.

     En una experimenté por primera vez eso de que las olas te quieran llevar. Eran bastante fuertes, y había una especie de cangrejos que hacían agujeros en la arena debajo del agua y salían de vez en cuando a picar. Yo insistí en quedarme con las sandalias puestas y casi pierdo una. 😂 Después les perdí el miedo.

     Había una parte calmada de la playa por una barrera que impedía que pasaran las olas. Y yo dije:

     - ¿Por qué no hay nadie allí? Se ve más agradable.

     Al rato me di cuenta de que había unos animalitos que parecían bolsas transparentes flotando en el agua. Y estaban rodeándome. Afortunadamente tengo la virtud de nunca entrar en pánico, y me deslicé con cuidado lejos de ahí.

     Visitamos la "playa plata" aparentemente llamada así por el color se la arena. Eso sí que era un paraíso.

     El agua era completamente transparente, podía ver mis pies. Y había un contraste con el verde del moho sobre una pequeña cueva que había a la distancia. Allí encontramos muchas conchitas de caracoles, y yo me traje un montón de piedras bonitas y esas tonterías.

     Pero el viaje en bote hasta allí fue de lo mejor. Parecía un lugar de revista.

     Lo que cambiaría sería la parte de la basura en la primera playa. Ojalá la hayan limpiado.


¿Es este un viaje que esperas repetir? ¿O nunca lo volverás a intentar?

     Me gustaría ir otra vez con mis padres, especialmente con mi mamá que nunca a visitado la playa (tiene 42) 😢.

     En fin... ¡Gracias por leer y ten un excelente día!



 5 months ago  

Sounds like someone got out of trauma by the end of the day. I have never visited any beach, your narration makes me want to try it but unfortunately, there are no beaches around here.

Thank God you didn't lose your scandal, that was quite funny, but it was such a memory.

Thanks for sharing with us🥰❣️

 5 months ago  

Hopefully you can go one day, it's quite nice and some people love it. And yes, the sandal thing was pretty funny.

Thanks so much for commenting! 🥰✨

 5 months ago  

You should make it a date to treat your mom to the beach. Lucky you have gone to the beach. I can only imagine the gentle breeze beating upon my skin. Hopefully, someday soon, I can enjoy that feeling and maybe, the thought of the waves taking me away 😂

 5 months ago  

Of course you can, have faith that you can. It's quite a unique experience to float and give up all control to such an unpredictable force. Just don't get too careless, or you may end up too far away! 😂
Thanks for commenting! 🤩

 5 months ago  

i can imagine it already but with the sight of the might of the ocean, i will take extra caution of alertness while admiring the beauty of nature.

 5 months ago  


 5 months ago  


 5 months ago  

Oh, yes, it's a terrible thing. The beach can distract you, and I would say that the combination of distracting yourself from thoughts and giving them attention is the key to overcoming those traumas.

Thanks for your comment!