On thing I realised is people generally, not just our parents would most of the times project their fears on you when giving advices, it's left to us to just sit down and filter what resonates with us more and see if the person giving the advice has actually gone through that process you're about to embark on before (even in this case sef what happened to A might not happen to B though they did the same thing).
Culture plays a huge role in how African parents think they're always right, and you dare not question them, we've been programmed to not question their authority and that whatever they say as gospel.
As I dey like this i've made up my mind, na wetin I wan do I go do, if I fail, I fail forward and learn from my mistakes and move on. I would take advices however the final decision is up to me.
Very very profound! My dear friend. It’s important to also know what we want for ourselves, then we take the responsibility of however it turns out.