Super Power - I'll Travel Through Time To Fix My Country

in Hive Learners2 years ago



Sigh. Having super powers has always been my dream, ever since I started watching and reading comics I have always wished I could possess such powers I've seen numerous times on our TV screen.

I have always wished that I could do the impossible, and even become the impossible. When I was much younger than this, when I started reading comics, watching cartoons, animations and sci-fi movies I've always wanted to be like the hero.

Whenever I and my siblings get to watch any movie that has a character that thrilled us, we always wish to be that hero and have all of his powers, we go extent of using our clothes or whatever we have around to look like the hero

Talking about clothes, there was this point in time when I really loved superman, I still do love him (smiles).

It was a fateful Tuesday morning, during one of our school's holidays. I was all alone at home, my parents went to work and they told me to behave myself and I shouldn't go out, and since there was light I didn't have a hard time obeying them.

I watched superman for three or four hours straight, mind you I was really small then, and as I was watching "NEPA" did what they love doing the most, and there was power outage. I got really bored, my toys were no longer fascinating me, my inner mind spoke to me and I agreed to what my mind told me.



I went to my parents' room, took my mother's red wrapper and decided to make my own cape. I used my creativity to its peak that day and I was really satisfied with what I made out of my mother's wrapper.

I played with it till my mother arrived from work and she was wowed. To cut the long story short, I received the worst beating of my life from my parents. It was a handicap punishment from them to me, my parents took turns in beating me that day.

You should at least picture my obsession for comic characters and me having super powers then, I still do have the obsession till date.

Back to the topic of the day, if I was to choose a superpower, what would it be? And how will I use it?

The power I would choose is, power to manipulate time just like Dr. Strange and other time heroes. I really would love to have the time power, even though I've come to the stage in life where I'd love to be a villain of any storyline, but if I was having a superpower I'd love to be the hero of my own story.

Time travelling is a great power, and with great power comes great responsibilities (Uncle ben said that to Peter Parker, yeah I know). If I do have the ability to time travel I know I'll have a lot to save, fix and also have a lot of responsibilities and also enemies.



I'll use my power to fix a lot, and I'll really make sure I find balance to the society, staying undercover and hiding my real identity if necessary would be my numner on priority.

The major and great thing I'll like to use my power for is to fix Nigeria, her economy and I'll do one other weird thing with the power which is, going back in time with a truck of condom and I'll make sure I give it to the parent of our present learders and political rulers so Nigeria would be a better place without them, they have done more harm than good to us.

This is my entry, my wish of power might sound weird to you, but I is what I want dear reader. Until next time be safe.

 2 years ago  


You say what?! Did I read correctly? A truck of condom to our present leaders parents? That was so funny! But I see sense with that 😅🤣

Your power would really be of great help to the world, please do and have the power.

Nigeria really needs a superhero, as in the way things are going a normal person might not be enough to save the day.
Hopefully, such a person will come through for us in the future, I just hope it is sooner rather than later.
Thank you for sharing this with us.