The struggle continues,face the life ahead.

in Hive Learners11 months ago


For me, I have been going through a lot lately, I won't say I am going through much but a lot has happened to me.
There is a very big advantage living with my parents and siblings back then, because most of the things I needed,they provide it for me which includes food and money. I will say back then my sense of balance in life was easy.

Everything changed after I finished my secondary school and traveled to my uncle's place to look for work. I started working in my uncle's sawmill workshop and I was the one taking responsibility of myself. Staying with my uncle, I started a different meaning of life because I am the one that provides for my food and money sometimes.

I didn't come from a rich family, I have to take it upon myself to further my education because if I should wait for my family to support me, I would stopped in secondary level.

Life was really tough for because I wasn't get enough money from the jobs I do in my uncle's workshop but I still manage to save up some money for my Post utme form for high institution.

I didn't come from a rich family, I have to take it upon myself to further my education because if I should wait for my family to support me, I would stopped in secondary level.

Life was really tough for because I wasn't get enough money from the jobs I do in my uncle's workshop but I still manage to save up some money for my Post utme form for high institution.I purchased the post utme form so I can further my education. After some weeks I gained admission into high institution and I was still struggling to save up more money for school while working in my uncle's workshop.

I really pass through a lot in school, let's say I suffered a lot during my first year in school because I am struggling on my own to provide for my textbooks,food stuffs and other accessories I need in school. During weekend I will travel back to my uncle's workshop to work so I can earn some money for my up keep in school.

Currently I have this believe that everything happens for a reason and I have adapted to this lifestyle that I allow things to flow the way I see it, I don't stress myself over things again because whatever will be, will be or happen.

The reason why I said I allow things to flow the way I see it because countless times I have been in a situation where I have to do something because if I don't do that thing something will go wrong still I didn't do anything and everything works out.

An example of what I am saying was my second year in high institution, I was supposed to pay for my project so I can defend the course I am studying but I had no money with me and if I don't pay for the project, I will fail the course and repeat another year in school. Honestly I don't know what to do as of that time because no money with me that period, all I said was I can't kill myself anything that want to happen should happen. To me I have already concluded that I have failed the course but something happened a day before the last day for the project payment,my uncle called me on phone and asked me how is things with me and sent me money for the project.

In everything, I don't think the lifestyle I have adapted will last a long time because sometimes things don't always workout the way you plan.