in Hive Learners3 months ago
Hello everyone, i am here again to share a part of myself in what i am involved in, as i mentioned in my first introduction to hive that i am a student of environmental management and toxicology but majorly specialized in the toxicology aspect so, as a student of environmental toxicology it is of great joy for me to introduce a part of my life to you which is studying to be an environmental toxicologist.

To start with, let define two essential terms to help us get along with my course of study.
THE ENVIRONMENT is the sum total of everything that surrounds a man whether living or nonliving things, physical or non-physical. Basically, the environment consist of man and his internal and external surroundings. Now, knowing the definition of environment i will also define what toxicology is.


TOXICOLOGY on its own is the scientific study of poisonous substances, chemicals and it adverse effect on living organisms.
Now merging the two definition together i will say ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY is the study of the poisonous substances and chemicals that can cause havoc to man within and outside his surroundings.

Going further, i will like to define some terms related to my course of study to help us understand the concept of environmental toxicology.

  1. POISON: they're substances that are harmful to living organisms because of its adverse effects on the body of an organism.
  2. TOXICANTS: they are harmful substances from chemicals.
  3. TOXINS: they are harmful substances produced within a living organism.
  4. TOXICITY: it is the adverse effect that a poisonous substances can produce in a living organism.
  5. DOSE: this is the amount of harmful substances a person is exposed to.

Toxicology is a multi disciplinary course that encompasses several areas of study which include:

  • Clinical Toxicology.
  • Experimental Toxicology.
  • Environmental Toxicology.
  • Food Toxicology.
  • Industrial Toxicology.

Talking about toxic substances, living organisms can only be exposed to harmful substances by inhalation, ingestion and skin contact.

When a person is exposed to an harmful substance the effect of the substance can be ACUTE, which means the effect of the substance can be noticed within a short period of time also,the effect of harmful substances to living organisms can also be CHRONIC, which means the effect of the substance can only be noticed after a long period of time.

This is all i have to share about my course of study which is a part of me. Thank you for reading through and journeying with me into the world of toxicology.