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RE: Facing jail for just showing up to work.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

So, saving a life comes with such a dilemma. But then, if everything is recorded, and you also have records of the patient's previous prescription, then you shouldn't have any problem. Especially when there's record of them being ill enough to require such a treatment.
Or would that not work?

 2 months ago  

Well, not exactly.

The previous prescriptions show that they need constant treatment with powerful medication. However, every prescription for that medication is strictly recorded. One copy of the prescription stays with the Doctor, one for the Pharmacy, and one for the government to track. Only certain doctors are allowed to prescribe the medication, all prescriptions are valid for only 5 days, and every tablet is tracked. Giving out the medication without a valid prescription is the same as trafficking in narcotics. Result: Pharmacists have lost their license for giving out the medication even when it is needed to help prevent suffering.

But allowing someone to suffer is also not allowed.

As I said, either way I face potential stiff penalties including jail time and losing my license.

Having said that, at least in Canada, the judges are real people who look at the reason why the law was broken. If I can justify my case and have solid ethical backings I'm likely to be ok. But still, its not a good situation when I'm just doing my job and risk serious consequences regardless what I do.

I'm glad I'm retiring sooner than later :)