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RE: What language will I love to learn?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

How come you are not fluent in your native tongue? Do you only uses English most of the times? By the way, I have a cousin who married a French guy and she studied his language. She told me it wasn't easy. I guess it depends on the person and how much he/she loves to learn that language.

 2 years ago  

You're right about the reason why I'm not fluent in my native tongue, I mostly speak English 😆 I probably find French easy because I learnt the basics when I was a kid, children generally find it easier to learn a new language than adults

HAHAHA. I knew it! So many kids these days too who can't speak their own language because they learned English first. But yeah, I think it's a lot easier for kids to learn to speak other languages than adults. I guess because their brain is still fresh. HEHE

 2 years ago  

Exactly 😁 children's brain is a clean slate which makes it easier for them to pick up a new language, unlike we adults that already have a lot of things in our brain 😆