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RE: Should Employers Have Access to Employees' Social Media Handles?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I say no because then personal politics get played into the workplace. I’ve had people judge me based on the type of music I like, and some people might get judged based on them liking a certain clothing brand which has nothing to do with their work performance or how they dress at work.

It’s stupid in my opinion, but employers do watch people’s social and treat people differently based on what they post. It’s just apart of living in 2025.

It shouldn’t be an issue unless people are posting damaging things like bringing violence to the workplace or showing themselves engaging in illegal activities that could affect their work performance in my opinion…


 2 months ago  

Some employers can be an intruders, poking noses in your business online but left to me I am not always on social media and if giving out my handles will earn me the job then I can give it out and let them explore and get tired of it 😂