Discipline or abuse?

in Hive Learners3 months ago

My greetings to y'all reading this post, I'm also grateful to the hive learners community for the opportunity to share my thoughts with regards rights between parents and their offspring.Lets start by answering the question;

would it be okay if kids were given the rights to sue thier parents whenever the felt the need to?
Personally for me am an adult yet still regard myself a chikd in the site if my parents and if am to answer the question above, i will without hesitation say kids shouldn't be given the right to sue their parents most especially when the feel they need to?


However, I'll give my reasons for such an answer from two different perspectives which are that of discipline and that if abuse on the child....
If you'll agree with me these two points are actually misinterpreted in the region of the world i come from , that's Africa. A child might undergo discipline yet clearly interpret it as abuse and the truth is most of us who grew as Africans at some point of our lives felt the same when we were disciplined by our parents ,we saw them as being wicked and heartless just because they tried to infuse the right character or remove a wrong character or behavior within us, however we only felt that because we lacked enough information to justify or understand their their actions but iur parents actually meant us well.

If you'll agree with me, as time passed and you got to reflect on your past,most times what you say is God i thank you for my parents and that's because you now understand better, imagine you sued your parents back then cause of your wrong understanding,where would you be now,you would have probably made a lot of mistakes.

On second thoughts some parents are wicked and heartless, taking advantage and misusing a child's right,like abusing a kid physical...that should be done away with,kids should be given full authorization to sue parents in that regards...and this brings a balance between the two.
"The world would become a better place with us having to balance and understand discipline and abuse hence knowing who to sue or not"

what kind of childhood would i have had if i could take my parents to court?
I will be brief on it , there's no need to elaborate much.My answer is i would have had a very terrible children that would have for sure transcended into my adulthood, I don't even think i would have had a life.I had a very loving home and it was disciplined actually, suing my parents would have given me an opportunity to do all i wanted which would have definitely led to my doom.In conclusion i thank God i couldn't take my parents to court.

Hope y'all enjoyed my story and learnt from my experience,see y'all next week.

 3 months ago  

Kids shouldn't be granted the right to sue their parents at all. They are our parents and have brought us up so wisely. The way our parents deal with us is somehow different, just as to the way discipline is in Africa generally.