This your experience is the irony of life. When there is money and things are Rosy, you'll have multiple friends but when there is seemingly nothing, you become like one with leprosy, alone and abandoned.
Thank God you guys scaled through and recoverd, this is a testament to God's goodness and faithfulness.
When I experience things like this, I tend to become wiser and set out boundaries, so that those who looked down on me when I was in my low state, will not find easy access to me when I bounce back.
Hahaha, they will always come back . And the funny thing is that you may not be able to resist them again, only that you are wiser and will help discreetly. No need going extra mile for those not deserving.
How are you doing, Sis?
Me I will resist o but true doing good pays.
I'm doing alright ma, thank you so much. Trust you're doing great as well.