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Happiness is a feeling of pleasure and positivity. When someone is excited, pleased, proud and or satisfied about anything it may be, such person is said to be happy.

So many persons have asked what the main source of happiness is but there's no particular answer to this question as there are various things that can ignite the feeling of happiness. Some persons have brought up some point that they think tends to bring happiness like......

A lot of persons have come to believe that money is the main source of happiness, this is mostly the first thing if not the first thing people say every time you ask them what can make them happy. True though, money can bring happiness because, when you have money, you can buy anything you want, go places you want, and live the kind of lifestyle you wish to live. In fact, money can make you happier than your expectations sometimes like using expensive things from phones, cloths to houses... it's a nice feeling.

Helping people with money makes them happy and in another way makes you happy seeing the smiles on their face too but money doesn't bring all the happiness in the world because rich people are always worried about maintaining their wealth, no rest and a lot of pressure to make sure they don't lose their wealth, a poor man has nothing to lose hence could be termed more relaxed and happy than the rich man.

Some persons also believe that love brings happiness, but it's not just being in love though but when the love is being reciprocated. A woman in love is always happy especially when she remembers or is around her spouse and same goes for the guys. I've not really understood this aspect but to the friends I've seen who have been in love, nothing goes wrong when they're together except when the money is not there...lol
Most loves don't bring joy when money is not there because, there are needs to take of and expenses which I love you won't solve. Lol

The rich people would often say money doesn't bring happiness, they have the experience, they have the money, most rich people are always lonely because they believe everyone is coming for their money, they don't really have true friends so they prefer living a lonely life....

In my point of view, neither money or love brings happiness and satisfaction, contentment is the key to being and staying happy,we should be contented with what we own and who we are!..

Thanks for reading to the end guys i appreciate ☺️♥️

Do well to drop what you thi k it's the source of Happiness as I'll love to know ☺️

 2 years ago  

Contentment is a virtue that can indeed make you find happiness in something because you are satisfied. But humans are always humans.