Marriage Is Not A Do Or Die Affair. Say No To Domestic Violence (How my neighbour died yesterday)

When I was introduced into the hive community, these couples where the first experience I wrote about and it's quite sad that I have to write about this this way..........

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Marriage they say brings joy to the faces of many as the thoughts of having your own family, children and generation begins. Marriage is seen to be beautiful and a thing of happiness right from the wedding day, seeing everyone there because of you, the smiles in your parents and loved ones faces, putting on your your wedding dress or suit and looking all glamorous and everything even makes it more exciting and wonderful.

Till death do us path they always say at the alter right? Well I don't think so....why?
Marriage is not a do or die affair where you have to stay forever especially when things begin to go out of hand for instance, domestic violence. Most women in Nigeria suffer today in silence inorder to cover the pain and grief they go through all in the name of marriage. The year 2022 made me realise that indeed women where suffering starting from celebrities like osinachi who died in silence from domestic violence to others who I don't know...

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Very early in the morning yesterday, my neighbours who are well known for their steady quarrels and fights started yet again. This time around, nobody wanted to interfere as they would always come back together and make you look like the bad person trying to break a home.
This quarrel went on for quite a while untill it got to a point where my mum, other neighbours and I couldn't hear anything but someone trying their best to cough so hard but couldn't, my mum was tempted to go inside their house but was stopped. And after some time, we couldn't hear anything anymore and everyone became worried and therefore, had to go and ask if everything was ok.

Behold, when we knocked, the husband of the woman who was quarreling refused us from entering inside saying that his wife is ok but no one was satisfied and decided to force him to allowing us enter the house. When we finally did, we saw my neighbour named Stella lying helplessly on the floor with her mouth filled with foam and her eyes totally white.

We quickly volunteered to take her to the hospital and this same husband refused us from laying hands on his wife because he wants to be the one to take her to the hospital. We accepted and asked him the name of the hospital he'll be taking her to and he told us. Minutes after he had gone, my mum and other neighbours decided to go check on them at the hospital he claimed to had taken her to but couldn't find them there.

They searched other nearby hospitalsbbut couldn't locate him, we called and he didn't pick up severally. And when he finally came back at night, the ọ ly words which came out of his mouth where " It's over and there's nothing we can do, she's dead". I felt like it was a prank and therefore wanted an explanation but it has dawned on me this nowntagt she's actually dead because her mum came here crying.....

It's quite sad to witness this but my little advice to women out there is that, please don't act like all is well when you're being maltreated, leave that marriage and save your life for your little children who love you as their mother. Don't mind what people will say because If anything should happen to you, they'll still ask why you didn't leave that marriage. Please same your selfs and your little children will thank you in the future.

My mum was once a victim of domestic violence but she didn't let it kill her before her time and she left. Today she's happy, helathy and I'm grateful to her for the decision she took to stay alive for me. Thanks for reading to the end guys i appreciate ☺️♥️


Domestic violence is a no-no.
People should learn to prioritize themselves.
Now see how badly things turned.

Exactly what I try to tell anyone I get to talk to about could end up in jail or unluckily be the dead one💔

 2 years ago  

It's sad how people go through This in silence. Most of them do so out of love, and some because of the children involved or to keep their family name out of pride, but then it's not worth a persons life

I don't think there should be an excuse to enduring domestic violence at all...

Do what is necessary to save your self for your children in the future....

 2 years ago  

Not everyone sees it as such

 2 years ago  

I am extremely sorry to here about that woman.

Something that makes me angry is that the women make those feel guilty who come to save her, as you mentioned about thus couple.

Marriage is meant to bring happiness. If it doesn't, it is better to break it.

A broken house is better than an abusive house

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Indeed dear, a broken home is better than an abusive home... Thanks for dropping by ♥️

I'll sure do well to drop by...

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

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