Boundaries On Phone

in Hive Learners10 months ago

The use of phones and gadgets has taken over the relationship that should exist between couples, parents and their children, siblings, and the likes.
We cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of things that we do on the phone, that is not just about entertainment or whiling time, but very important work, business, and others.

At the same time, all these are done at the detriment of those we claim to love and care for. Families are falling apart everyday. Siblings act like strangers towards themselves. Couples don't know each other anymore because there is no communication between them anymore. The phone has taken the place of our loved ones and until we take drastic measures, we may not be able to get it right.

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Based on our busy schedules these days, trying to make ends meet and provide the basic needs of our family members, there is a need to always have a family time every week at least for family members to be able to bond and even relax from the stress of work and enjoy each other's company. Family time could be every night, before bedtime, after the days work. Couples could use this time to tell each other how their day went without any distraction from their phones.
It could also be planned on weekends when they don't go to work just to have a good and memorable time with family.

I believe and I'm strongly of the opinion that during family time, phones should be banned. I think anyone fondling with phone during a family dinner or family get together is very wrong and may not know that what they are doing is wrong. So, in such a situation, phone should be banned in family dinner because it's a time for family members to interact and catch-up with other.

I believe banning of phones during events like that will make family members bond better and memories can be made. Phone is always a distraction in situations like that. Just set the phone aside and enjoy the company of family members.

My husband and I have already set boundaries when it comes to the use of phones at home, Thanks to my husband. We live separately and only see each other during weekends. On weekends, the use of phones is at the minimum just for emergency reasons. That is the only time we have to talk, catch up, plan, and so many other things. When he use to be around on weekdays, ones it is bed time, our phones are set aside. No use of phones on the bed. That is a rule in my house. This rule has been able to help us minimize the use of phones during family time, and to help increase our communication level and physical activities.

This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic; Family Time, No Phones
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you. Let me know what you think about this in the comments.

Yours truly @aunty-tosin 💕💕

 10 months ago (edited) 

This made me recall and realize that a certain period, about two years ago, when i had gone to visir a relative, the both couple were mostly on their phones. Wife runs an online business, husband mostly travels for work. Wheneber they're togetber, it's like they're flatmates. They talk, though, but not very well as one would think. It's just somehow.

The pattern that you and your spouse have taken up would be of great benefit to your bond, moreso in the long run.

 10 months ago (edited) 

That is true.
It's actually like that when there is no boundaries and this makes family members grow apart.
Thanks for stopping by.

 10 months ago  

I love the fact that you set boundaries to avoid the negative impact of phone usage during family time.

 10 months ago  

Yes oh, without boundaries a lot of things could go wrong.
Thanks for stopping by.

 10 months ago  

Phone during family time will surely impact the family negatively. Thus, the importance of setting boundaries

 10 months ago  

Setting boundaries is very important to avoid the unexpected.
Thanks for stopping by.