in Hive Learners2 years ago

In this then is the finished work of Christ justified. For if I live by the law,
I only live in guilt
And that is not the gospel of Christ.
The law was not given for man to obey,
It was given to reveal how wretched,
How sinful,
How vulnerable,
How helpless man was.
For where there's no law,
There's no imputation of sin.

We look at ourselves and our ideologies about people,
How good or bad they have been to us,
How unfair they have been to others,
The severalities of their faults,
Even among priests, pastors and prophets,
Then we feel it is the same way Christ views them too.
But If Christ thinks so low of people,
Perhaps he would not have come,
Died or even resurrected.

Righteousness is not what I can give God,
Rather, it is what God gave me.
It is what I received from God,
Through faith,
By the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Therefore, I was not justified by my good attitudinal records,
Neither of firmness of character;
A prove of an honest living,
Rather, it based on what Christ has done... Grace.

However, grace is not a guarantor to sin,
Neither a license to careless living
For shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
God forbid.
Grace is the gift of the life of Christ.
The life of righteousness.
Righteousness is not a condition God require for us to meet,
It is his gift to us.
If the whole expectations were on us,
There would be no need Jesus coming.

So brethren
Let this mind be in you always
Even the mind of Christ

To have the mind of Christ is to look at people beyond faults.

Live every day under grace
For such is the gift of God to you
The law is righteous,
But to fulfill it's demands was not of man. Furthermore, the law keeps prison
Those who want to fulfill it's demands and dictates by works.
No do nots ever produced a sound person,
But fearful.
Even research has proven that children from homes
Full of do nots misbehave the most.

I have ZOE

Thanks for reading