in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hello Hiveans,

I want to talk about building a supernatural family

In the wake of the events happening in this generation where you see young men and women living their lives anyhow as if there is no judgement Day or as if there is no tomorrow, and also not thinking about the consequences of their actions, decisions or inactions you will begin to wonder what kind of a generation we have found ourselves in.
Now as a child of god how do you raise your children in such a generation?


I remember those years, when most of our people that are outside the country will prefer to raise their children in Nigeria because of the norms that are highly upheld in this country but now the reverse is the case is that societal norms ethics cultures and traditions have been thrown to the dungs. This is a generation where you see every teenager or every young girl dancing and twerking on social media either half-naked of bomb shots or almost completely naked and will begin to wonder what examples are we dropping on social media knowing that the media never forgets.

Does it beg the question is there hope for Christianity where will see most church girls are involved and caught up with this showing of backsides on social media using showing their backsides doing all manner of things?
Friendships that are highly ungodly in both male and female all manner of atrocities and immoral acts and you also ask yourself if these people will one day become parents. What kind of children will they raise? These people will one day become mentors to their children what kind of character attributes and integrity will they leave for their children to emulate? It is popularly said you cannot give what you do not have, so if you are to give what you have is this what we see in our generation? What will they pass on to the next generation?


The word supernatural simply means after the natural or beyond the natural so if you are talking about building a supernatural family my rules today and tomorrow it starts with you as a young man, it starts with you as a young woman. the earth is like a plantation the earth is like a field. What You give is what You receive, what you say is what you see, and if you sow evil, you likely will reap evil in your later years. As a young man or as a young woman you are gifted with breaking the hearts of young girls you might also have your daughters go through heartbreaks. This isn't a curse but the earth remembers. As a young girl, you are gifted with sleeping around with men or boys your daughters might take the same step or you are gifted with sleeping with married men your daughters might also be gifted with the same or other girls will also sleep with your own. So you should be conscious of whatsoever you sow and do because the Earth has a reward system. Even if a man does not reward you the Earth works with a spirit in its department of productivity called karma to reward people on the Earth.

Furthermore many youths these days don't have prayer lives. How can you put your children in the way of the Lord when they don't have godly principles? What will you teach them to be? In this supernatural, we're not even talking of raising a "Divine" or your family in the patterns of divinity we are just at supernatural you must understand that the supernatural is different from divinity. The realms of the supernatural are different from the realm of divinity so we are not talking of divinity now. Supernatural only means or is going beyond the natural like I said it's super in the natural. Someone that has not been atoning with God, someone that has not heard from God, someone that has no relationship with God, how will you model your children or younger generations to follow God?


You are a young man or young woman you do not read, you do not pray, you do not study your Bible, there is no time you sit down to read to learn new things you are always on tik-tok you're always on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram gisting and chatting, it is a pointer that you are very close to his leading your children to indiscipline because you might end up raising social media children, people that social media and influencers will mentor. People get their values from social media. I think we should also come to this point where we should practice a little bit of the good old days method of acquiring knowledge which is Reading especially hardcover Reading at times. Because at times you read on a phone and a call comes in before you are done taking the calls you will forget all that you were even doing. But if you have custom yourself to discipline that is a time to read, there is a time for social media, there is a time to pray, there is a time to play, there is a time to eat and all that, it will help promote and model your children. Believe me, children only do mostly what they see other people do, from their parents or their friends or neighbours.

As a parent, you are the number one influence on a child. So if you do not show them the right path to follow, you will produce the wrong results parent that is not disciplined in anything goes for you will raise a child that anything goes. Don't excuse it with the slang "Cruise." It is not a cruise it is a lack of discipline if you begin to find out that in your life there are no principles, you need to retrace your steps and reorder that your life.


Ok on the quest to have a supernatural family both parties which is the man and the woman must have common interests common, a point of Attraction, a common Vision and a common purpose.

We have seen on several occasions where most marriages didn't last some didn't last because of abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse, someone didn't last because of incompatibility, mental incompatibility, spiritual incompatibility, psychological incompatibility, sexual incompatibility, and some even academic incompatibility. between all these things we as youth or the newlywed or the newly-married especially the youth, the singles that I want to talk to here should be very careful and prayerful when choosing a life partner so that you won't end up seeing marriage as a contract instead of a covenant. Marriage to the world is a contract, marriage in God is a covenant. Covenants cannot be broken as long as both parties are alive. The only thing that breaks the covenant is death. That is why when getting wedded, you are told until death does u part.

As a young person when getting married you should carefully choose well, look out for what you want in the person if you have principles already you can easily trace those principles in the opposite sex but if you don't, anything goes for you and when you marry a man or a woman of anything goes, anything will also happen in the marriage.

So this is why you have to get your principles right. Furthermore, you need to tell yourself the truth under God, yes in as much as we want to marry the best and the brightest, the sharpest the finest even the sexiest we also have to resign to the will of God for us. I believe we have Christians here, to resign to the will of God for us because it might not be His total will or his 100% will that maybe your full standard or criteria

The choice of the right life partner can also guarantee the building of a supernatural family you can't have a supernatural family if you are the wrong person marrying the right person or the right person marrying the wrong person. You may not have a supernatural family if you are a born-again marrying non-believer or vice versa.


Thanks for reading.



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