in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Hiveans

I want to talk about building a lasting relationship/marriage.

If there is anything that you should learn about the Solomon Buchi saga, it is this

There are lots of people who prefer to criticize than praise. They will never show up when you are doing good, but they are excellent at pointing accusing fingers at you

I like his courage.
Nothing is wrong with the post. He explained what he meant and it was well-detailed. It takes someone who can comprehend to understand it
The backbone of your relationship is not loving.
It's commitment.
Because love waxes and wanes like the moon.
But commitment keeps you together, till the brighter day is around the corner.
9 times out of 10, emotional, cyber and physical affairs start with, "We are just friends."
So be cautious with your friendships with the opposite sex.

Choose to be your spouse's lover, not their parent.

No marriage ever failed because the spouses showed each other too much love and kindness.

The best kind of marriage is where you're both lovers and best friends at the same time.

Don’t go into marriage just to be happy. Marriage is not meant to make you happy. You are the one to make your marriage happy. When both partners decide to go into marriage to serve and love unconditionally, then they will start to become better and the marriage happier: God created marriage for a husband and wife to be totally “uncovered” or naked with one another (Genesis 2:25).

So work to have a marriage that’s naked with your spouse. Meaning nothing hidden and no secrets from one another. Total openness and honesty are the way to go. If you put your marriage first, your kids will benefit. BUT ... if you put your kids first, your marriage AND your kids will suffer.

10 Things that can cause a sexless marriage ...

  1. Pornography
  2. Infidelity
  3. Weariness
  4. Overscheduling
  5. Co-sleeping
  6. Lack of communication
  7. Your relationship isn’t right
  8. You are critical
  9. Low testosterone
  10. Health issues

Honesty and openness are essential in marriage. If there is trust in your marriage, make sure you guard and protect it. Once you've lost it, it's hard to get back. Be open and honest about everything in your marriage. Just say "no" to lies, dishonesty and hiding things.

Be the person you'd like to be married to. If you'd like a little more grace for your faults, give a little more grace for theirs. If you need more love and understanding, give more love and understanding to your spouse. When problems arise in marriage our instinct is to blame the other person. Instead of blaming your spouse and trying to fix them, work on the only person you can fix ... you.

You cannot change your spouse, so work on becoming the best spouse you can be.
Don’t let people with failed marriages make you think marriage is a bad thing.

Every love story is different.
Marriages are like cordless phones, they don't work well without regularly recharging. Recharge your marriage by going on a date, taking a trip together, snuggling on the couch, or by being intimate.

This is a sure sign of personal maturity is whenever you're frustrated or arguing ... and you're still careful not to use harsh, hurtful, or abusive language when speaking to your spouse.

Emotional intelligence is a necessary trait to sustain relationships long-term. Think about it, how long would you last in a job where you're required to be careful about upsetting customers, employees, colleagues and employers and you make no effort to keep yourself in check?

Hold hands ... not grudges.

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Every day finds a different way to tell your spouse, "I love you."

Send a text.
Post a sticky note.
Write on their mirror.
Whisper it in their ear.
Make love every day... even on days, you don’t have sex.

Touch, Kiss, Hold hands, communicate, text, write notes, etc.

Intimacy is what separates roommates from soulmates. In the best marriages, they normalize “I’m willing to work on that” instead of “that’s just how I am”

Encourage each other. Don’t point out the flaws. When we come home from the world, our home should be our “fill up” station⛽️ Lea Morgan💬

10 Ways to Reconnect ...

  1. Take time to talk to one another every day
  2. Go to bed at the same time
  3. Make love regularly
  4. Exercise together
  5. Unplug from electronics
  6. Kiss
  7. Flirt
  8. Sneak off on an overnight trip without the kids
  9. Hold hands
  10. Spend time together


  • A great marriage
  • An amazing sex life
  • Fantastic conversation
  • A healthy relationship
  • and incredible intimacy

by accident. It takes work and being intentional at creating it.

Speak to your spouse kindly. What we say is not as important as how we say it.

When we speak in a kind tone, our partner is more likely to receive whatever we are saying positively.

Package your words well so it doesn’t get lost in the wrong packaging
Ladies don’t allow a man to choose you alone. Choose him too-you both have a choice when it comes to choosing a partner. I hope you get this.

Dating with a purpose starts with understanding that you have a right to choose. So don’t let a man make you feel like he chose you.

Marriage is like a bank account. The more you deposit, the more you have to withdraw. Keep depositing love, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, and prayer…also what you deposit is what you withdraw most times.

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Research shows people are emotionally moved more by negative emotions than positive ones. That's why we often hold onto negative memories, replaying them over and over, even though the positive ones are equally accessible from our memories. Similar to rewatching a bad movie.
Research shows women possess a higher level of the Machiavellianism trait (manipulationwhichhich is a necessary trait to master to extract as many resources as possible within the short timeframe of her sexual peak. "If you want your husband to be a man, don't become one yourself. Instead, do everything you can to set him up for success."

Marriage always has conditions. It is the conditions we accept that allow us to form alliances. If those conditions change or are removed the relationship reaches a point of diminishing returns, which leads to breakups. The aim should be to uphold the original conditions.
Are you taking time to declare God’s goodness over your life?
Are you speaking victory over your future?

It’s not enough to do it every once in a while. It needs to become a habit where, all through the day, we’re declaring that we’re blessed, we’re strong, and we’re healthy.
If you want to know what you’re going to be like five years from now, listen to what you’re saying about yourself.

Don’t use your words to describe the situation; use your words to change the situation.: In difficult times, it’s easy to talk about the problem, complain, and be negative, but that’s when you have to dig down deep and say, “No, I’m going to keep speaking victory. God, You’re my provider, You’re my healer, You’re my way-maker.”

I believe that with these, we will see marriage as an enjoyment conference of two beautiful souls 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Thank you for reading 🥰🥰🥰🥰.

