in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hello Hivers,

Hopefully everyone is feeling as good as I am, and if you're not, I want you to know that it's going to be okay!

Well, the truth is that, our lives are a direct product of the things we magnify.
Ever heard of the law of attraction? Probably.

Let's just assume you've never heard, the law of attraction is a world wide belief (that has been proven), it states that whatever you as a person constantly thinks about, Focuses on or magnify, will be your reality.

What this means in essence is that, the reason you're living the kind of life you're living, good or bad, is because of the thoughts you magnify or focus on.

The question now is, What do you Magnify?

Even the Bible, the very word of God says that, " As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Now that we are fully aware of this fact, the obvious solution to our problems is our thoughts.
What do you give thought to?

I used to think this whole thing was a joke, untill I decided to consider this line of thought, and I started observing both my thoughts and my life and boom! That's when it made sense.

This world is one of systems and principles. More like, there's certain actions that bring certain results, and the law of attraction is one of them.

Whether you believe this or not, in the end it is fact.

I encourage everyone reading this to take advantage of this knowledge, maybe you knew this and didn't believe, check your life, sit with yourself and observe.

We're on our way to a better life, we won't get there by sitting but rather taking steps.

Take this step, pay attention to what you magnify in your life.
Check yourself out, be sure you're focusing on the positive things.

Thank you for stopping by today 🙂