
Absolutely, it is necessary for people to want to learn, to have that initial intention, and then to form a criterion for thinking critically. Let's see if it is achieved over time, I have little hope of that happening, but I continue to do my part.


I have learnt that doing our part is crucial. We cannot get rid of our responsibility blaming the irresponsibility of other people. My actions might be little, making no significant change. Nevertheless, you never know how your legacy may impact other people.


Yes, life gives many surprises when you least expect it, that is definitely unpredictable. The interesting part of all this is knowing and learning many things along the way. I learn many things every day, lately about Pakistan and its people, for which I am very grateful and pleased.


So you are aware that I am from Pakistan 🤔🙂

You know, through Hive I have come across western people and I have realized that several things we know about west through fiction movies are not the truth. Western people as much concerned about the changes in ideologies as we are.


So you are aware that I am from Pakistan

well i suppose this is true 😀


People from the west have a different way of seeing life. In these parts, the perceptions of different issues (especially those that have to do with ethics and morality) are very cloudy by an alarming amount of the population. Of course, there are many people and everyone thinks in a different way, but in general terms, I can say that I do not fit in with the general behavior of these places, but of course, I am an exceptional case, I think very differently.

I care more about people and their cultures.


Woooh! Why on the earth I am unable to see that verified Pakistan info .

I can say that I do not fit in with the general behavior of these places, but of course, I am an exceptional case, I think very differently.

Then, it seems like I have connected with exceptional people more 😁.


Why on the earth I am unable to see that verified Pakistan info .

It's a peakd thing

 yesterday (edited) 

It's quite strange that you can't see the messages, can you see mine that says where I'm from? If not, I'll show it to you below.


Then, it seems like I have connected with exceptional people more 😁

Ehmmm I think only you can decide that, I can't comment on it. 😂
