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RE: The Town of Saki — Free Flow of Movement

in Hive Learners7 months ago

I know Saki, I served too in Oyo State. but as explained, life is good there if you ask me. Should I relocate there too, by flat near you? Hahahaha. As for the gas, I think it is everywhere. It is 1200 where I live. Transportation is a major problem in most corners of Nigeria, something has to be done nationwide. Well done Corpers 😄

 7 months ago  

Hahaha. Yes oo. I don't mind buying a flat near me. Lol
The price of gas refilling is just too high. Transportation too, and that is because of the fuel's price.

 7 months ago  

Many years ago, no one couldn't say Nigeria would be like this, things are just getting worse everyday